How Mila Kunis Went From Black Swan Svelte To Friends With Benefits Fit

July 26 2011, Published 9:00 a.m. ET
In Friends with Benefits, which hit the bigscreen on Friday, Mila Kunis is featured with her clothes off nearly as much as with them on! The smoking hot star, who famously shed 20 pounds for her role in the Black Swan, hit the gym hard to get in shape for her sexy new role. The 27-year-old star worked with celebrity trainer Brian Abercrombie of BODY MAXX (he also trained Gerard Butler into butt-kicking shape for 300) to get in her sexiest shape ever.
“There was a joke in the script about her having no butt. I was determined to make them re-write it,” says Abercrombie, who had the actress on a 3-5 day per week workout regiment and low-carb diet.
“I don’t know if they did, but her butt looked good.”
Shape Magazine has all the details about Mila’s hardcore Friends with Benefit workout, which utilized the P.A.S.E (power, agility, strength and endurance) training system.