LIVE STREAM: Testimony Resumes In Casey Anthony Trial - Watch It Here Live

June 7 2011, Published 5:15 a.m. ET Staff Reporter
Testimony resumes Tuesday in the Casey Anthony murder trial, and once again, is live streaming the proceedings.
During Monday’s testimony, an expert gave bombshell details that the chloroform found in the trunk of her car was "shockingly high."
Anthony, 25, is on trial for the murder of her daughter, Caylee Marie, who was 2 when prosecutors say her mother murdered her. Authorities are contending that Caylee's dead body was in the trunk of Casey's car for a period of time.
Several witnesses, including Casey's father George, have testified that they smelled human decomposition in the trunk of the car.
Arpad Vass, a senior research scientist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, said when he opened a canister containing air from Casey Anthony's trunk he "jumped back a foot or two."
"It was shocking that strong of an odor could be in that little can," Vass said in court Monday. "The chloroform was shockingly high," he said - higher than any levels he had seen in 20 years of experience. He explained that he detected the scent of chloroform, which comes with decomposition.
Vass is an expert who also does research at the "Body Farm" at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, which studies human decomposition.
Casey's defense team has tried to have "air sample" testimony blocked, but Judge Belvin Perry allowed Vass' testimony.
Prosecutors asked if he believed there was a body in the trunk and he said yes. "I can find no other plausible explanation to explain all the results that we found," Vass testified.
Casey could be given the death penalty if she is convicted of murdering her daughter.
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