Casey Anthony Murder Trial Delayed

June 25 2011, Published 6:18 a.m. ET
by Staff
Casey Anthony's murder trial is facing another set back after the judge delayed proceedings due to an unexplained 'legal issue', can report.
The trial - in which Anthony is accused of killing her 2-year-old daughter, Caylee - came to a stand still on Saturday morning after lawyers for both sides spoke in private with Judge Belvin Perry for 40 minutes.
Neither defense attorney, Cheney Mason, nor prosecutor, Jeff Ashton would comment on the reason for the delay.
Prosecutors complained about the defense's plans to put chemistry expert, Kenneth Fulton, on the stand that day, insisting they had failed to disclose their planned testimony.
But Judge Belvin denied the hold-up had anything to do with that issue.
Prosecutors say Anthony smothered her daughter, covered her face with duct tape and drove around with her body in the trunk of her car for days, before ditching it in the woods near her Orlando, Florida home.
However, the defense maintains that Caylee drowned in the family swimming pool and that she panicked and hid the body in the undergrowth, with the help of her father, George Anthony.
If convicted of first-degree murder, Casey could face the death penalty. In addition to first degree murder she is also charged with misleading authorities and aggravated child abuse.
The case is expected to resume on Monday, June 28th in the Orange County Courtroom and will be live streaming the proceedings.
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