PHOTOS: President Obama Has Aged A Decade In Two Years, Says Beauty Expert

March 17 2011, Published 3:15 p.m. ET
President Barack Obama is battling for the country, but one thing he can't fight are the signs of aging, and has the photos to prove it.
Mr. Obama been in office for only two years, but the stress of being the Commander-in-Chief has apparently taken its toll, with one beauty expert telling the President looks like he has aged 10 years since taking office.
"I'd say he appears a decade older," said renowned beauty, fashion and healthy lifestyle expert Rebekah George, who has appeared on such
programs as The Today Show, Good Morning America, and The Early Show, to name a few.e. presented two beauty experts with photos of a half dozen politicians -- both past and present. The experts then analyzed what effects stress had on their appearance.
"Out of these politicians, I would say Obama shows the most significant ageing over the shortest period of time -- and he's the youngest of the bunch," George said.
And it's not just Mr. Obama who is plagued by grey hair and wrinkles.
George Bush, Bill and Hilary Clinton, John Boehner and Nancy Pelosi are all showing the stress of their job which ultimately strips them of their youthful appearance.
"It's simple: stress increases the hormone cortisol, which, in turn, damages our looks," said George. "The main issue is cortisol damages skin's ability to hold onto water, so you literally start to lack a glow. Your skin also becomes drier and that leads to wrinkling.
"Stress also triggers an elevation in blood sugar called glycation and this damages collagen and elastin. That's why you notice these politicians all have a sunken-in appearance around their mouths.
"Stress also causes a chain reaction in the looks-damaging department. Sleepless nights, not eating well, it all goes hand-in-hand causing dark circles, broken capillaries, and redness."
But that's not to say these US leaders aren't trying to turn back the hands of time with a little pampering.
"Though his hair looks greyer, his smile appears whiter," said Louisa Maccan-Graves who is also the author of 'Hollywood Beauty Secrets: Remedies To The Rescue' which the first lady has on her book shelf.
"I think he is using whitening strips or perhaps my DIY teeth whitening recipe."
And while the Secretary Of State, Hilary Clinton, appears to have added a few inches to her waistline, Graves -- who is also a budget beauty and age proofing expert -- says it actually suits her.

"Her face is fuller, tighter and more youthful," said Graves, who has a host of age reversing products on her website "She also looks healthier and meatier.
"Something I suggest to all women over 50 is to gain two to five pounds. This would provide Nancy - who has lost some volume in her face - with a fuller and more healthy look."