EXCLUSIVE: Jesse Csincsak Picks Chantal As His Choice For 'Bachelor' Brad Womack

March 1 2011, Published 2:29 p.m. ET
Jesse Csincsak -- the free wheelin', free spirited professional snowboarder who won the fourth season of The Bachelorette — knows a thing or two about finding love, and trying to maintain it, all under the gaze of the TV cameras.
Jesse is exclusively blogging for RadarOnline.com and gives his candid take on Monday night’s episode of the 15th season of The Bachelor, along with his pick of the girls for Bachelor Brad Womack.
Brad has whittled the 25 original women down to his last two choices – Emily Maynard and Chantal O’Brien, but who will be the lucky recipient of Brad’s final rose?
“If you want my personal opinion, I think from watching tonight's episode, Brad is the most comfortable with Chantal, and when it comes to relationships, comfort and trust are huge,” Jesse weighs in.
Going on to weigh up the two:
Chantal: “You and Brad make a great couple together and your relationship seems pretty much effortless. You said you feel secure with Brad and he reciprocated by telling you that he's the most comfortable with you out of all the girls. For a guy to say that is pretty huge. You then said you want to be in love, so you can put your other half first. That caught my ear.
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“I look at a relationship like a car - If you never take care of your car, like put gas in it and oil in it, it’s not gonna run too well, but if you take good care of your car, wash it, wax it, put good oil in it, and fill it with gas, it will last for a really long time.”
Emily: “I feel as if Brad’s connection with Emily is strong, hence them both telling each other that they were falling in love with one another, but there is still the lack of connection between Brad and Emily's daughter. This is what I think will be the final straw in their relationship in the weeks to come.
“Emily, I do respect how you handled yourself when you were presented with the fantasy suite ... very classy. Well done.”
And when it comes to Ashley Hebert, Brad’s latest reject: “You and Brad have been going in circles with your feelings for one another since the very beginning and as far as I am concerned, it finally caught up with you guys.
“Although you seem to be an amazing girl, you might not be amazing with Brad, but hang in there, you seem very intelligent and beautiful, and I am sure you will not have any issues finding the man of your dreams one of these days. I wish you nothing but luck.”
As the season winds to an end ahead of Brad’s final choice speculation is rife regarding who will be the star of the next ABC Bachelorette series.
Usually the runner up from the Bachelor is chosen to star in the spin-off show, but this year there’s talk of producers maybe choosing the second runner up, Ashley, or even bringing back the winner from last season, “bad girl” Vienna Girardi!
“Everyone could see Ashley H. as the next lady, but you’re asking yourself, ‘Why Vienna?’” Jesse says.

“Well hey, if they gave Brad a second chance at love, why not Vienna? She deserves it just as much as the next girl!”
VIDEO: The Bachelor's Brad Womack Says He '100 Percent' Did Not Propose To Woman