Celeb Make-up Fave: Lisa Ashley

Sept. 16 2010, Published 2:44 p.m. ET
We kept hearing about Lisa Ashley (Madonna raved about it in Glamour magazine) so called up Ms. Ashley to ask her what was going on. Turns out, Lisa used to be a professional make-up artist and after using her special silicone based spray moisturer on Ms M, she became a huge fan and told all HER friends.
We love the way it goes on, the softness of our skin and the compliments we’ve received. Also unique is her famous Ultimate Eye cream" which uniquely integrates six different benefits into one eye cream. It goes on with a cold roller ball, which helps bring down early-morning-puffy-eyes and the special light diffusing properties gives the illusion of neutralizing dark circles, brightening eye area while leaving a luminous glow.
They have also just launched a teen line, which is unique, as Lisa tells us” because we removed the ingredients that are too harsh for most young or sensitive skin and replaced w/a botanical complex. We found young adults wanted something for themselves... products on the market were either for kids or their mothers. “ Check out her Teen Line at http://lagirlfriend.com/
For the “miracle” moisturizer and eye cream for adults, go to http://www.lisaashleybeauty.com/products/the_ultimate_eyecream.php