VIDEO: Whoopi & White House Gatecrasher Clash Backstage At 'The View'
Aug. 4 2010, Published 4:04 a.m. ET
Controversy erupted on the ABC hit morning talk fest The View when co-host Whoopi Goldberg got into it with Michaele Salahi of The Real Housewives of DC, who achieved infamy as the White House Gatecrasher.
Goldberg was not part of the segment that is now the center of controversy. As Salahi sat on a sofa with her co-stars and Sherri Shepherd and Joy Behar, Whoopi unexpectedly came onto the set from backstage and touched Salahi’s back, slightly startling her.
Different versions of this event are being released by The View and the Salahi’s attorney —but one thing they both agree on is that it ended with Whoopi and Michaele in a vicious argument.
The View released an official statement outlining what happened: “At one point during Michaele Salahi’s appearance on The View on Wednesday, Whoopi lightly touched Ms. Salahi to get her attention and said to her “Excuse me, can you get back to the White House, please,” meaning could Ms. Salahi return to the original subject of the conversation. After the show, Ms. Salahi and her husband accused Whoopi of hitting Ms. Salahi. As the broadcast clearly shows, the accusation was completely unfounded and erroneous. After the show and after being told she was being accused of hitting Ms. Salahi, Whoopi proceeded to defend herself verbally from this baseless claim in a heated exchange with the Salahi’s.”
The Salahi’s attorney Lisa Bloom tells the story differently and with more detail.
Bloom told that Bravo had asked Michaele not to be referred to as the White House Gatecrasher. That didn’t go as planned during the taping of The View.
“There's Michaele on The View, live -- and Joy and Sherri both called Michaele the White House Gatecrasher,” Bloom told “She was upset but maintained her composure.”
Although Whoopi was not part of the segment in which the newest Real Housewives were interviewed, they had what seemed to be an innocent run-in that later turned ugly.
“Whoopi came from behind and according to Michaele, shook her arm gently. It was not violent, but it was startling,” Bloom said. “Whoopi said, ‘Move on, move on, get to the White House.’”
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But it appears that Whoopi does not shake her arm but lightly touches her back. The clip show that Salahi does not appear to be upset by this even after Whoopi walks back upstage.
Bloom added that her client never claimed Whoopi hit her.
“When the segment ended Michaele burst into tears backstage and several people came up to talk to her and she found an office,” Bloom said.
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At that point, Whoopi unleashed a few f-bombs on her morning show guest, says Bloom.
“Whoopi came in and according to Michaele said, ‘I don't think I f**king hit you. What the f**k is this.’”
Michaele responded, according to Bloom, “What are you talking about?”
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And Whoopi said, “Someone said that you said I hit you,” Bloom recalled to of the chain of events.

“Whoopi berated her and dropped the f-bomb many times,” Bloom said. “Michaele was devastated.”
Bloom said Michaele thinks she has been treated badly by the show.
“She is not asking for apology, but Bloom said, "I think they deserve an apology. It’s outrageous and I’m surprised this would happen.”