CONTROVERSY: Oprah An Unappreciated Prophet, Says Stedman Graham
June 8 2010, Published 9:27 a.m. ET
She’s more than just a great talk show host or someone who recommends what books you should read.
Oprah Winfrey is an unappreciated prophet, according to her long-time boyfriend Stedman Graham!
In remarks that are sure to stir controversy, Stedman said that Orpah is unappreciated in Chicago. “I don’t think they understand the value of who she is as a human being and what she’s done,” he said in a TV interview with the Chicago Fox affiliate WFLD.
Watch that video interview here on
Stedman was responding to a question about Oprah leaving town and he surprised the TV anchors with his answer that Oprah was unappreciated. Then the level of controversy skyrocketed when he said: “Because a prophet has no honor in his own town.”
Stedman’s quote is a biblical reference from John 4. The actual quote, according to the King James bible is: “For Jesus himself testified, that a prophet hath no honour in his own country.”
And while Stedman simply may have been trying to express how much more the city should appreciate Oprah, his comments are sure to stir controversy with the religious component.
VIDEO: Oprah’s Teary Goodbye Announcement
“First of all, she’s brought a lot of national attention to Chicago,” Stedman continued. “The work that she does. She’s got a school in South Africa where she’s taking these kids literally from the bush.
“I don’t think she’s really appreciated. I think they (Chicagoans) take her for granted a lot. I’m just saying from an insiders point of view that I don’t think she gets the just due based on who she really is and what she’s done for the Chicagoland area.
“She’s a great humanitarian. A great leader.”
Stedman’s remarks were made in the context of Oprah ending her show and moving to Los Angeles.
Perhaps the City of Angels will recognize a prophet!

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