EXCLUSIVE: Rachel Uchitel Claims She Has Video Proof David Boreanaz Loved Her; Reacts to Radar's Exclusive Text Message Story
May 13 2010, Published 4:20 a.m. ET
Well, the other shoe just dropped - and it fell right under David Boreanaz's bed.
In a statement just released to RadarOnline.com, Rachel Uchitel claims she has a videotape sent to her by the Bones actor, in which he says he loves her and would love her forever.
EXCLUSIVE: Read The Explosive Text Messages From Rachel Uchitel's Affair With TV Star
Amidst this new bombshell, Uchitel is calling into a question a story posted by RadarOnline.com in which we obtained sexually explicit text messages sent between Uchitel and Boreanaz.
In spite of Uchitel's claim that the text messages are "not authentic," RadarOnline.com has confirmed from several sources that the messages are 100-percent real.
And after saying the messages are not authentic, she then states they are taken out of context and incomplete!
What's more, her attorney Gloria Allred, reacting to the messages, confirms the affair, that text messages were sent and that Boreanaz was going to leave his wife.
All of these points back up the content of RadarOnline.com's exclusive text messages posted earlier and we have confirmed there are even MORE text messages between the couple where they express their love for each other.
In her statement, Uchitel says: "I did not intend to make any statements about David Boreanaz and our relationship. However, given the fact that texts were published this morning over my objection that were not authentic, taken completely out of context or incomplete, I feel compelled to address the false picture that has been portrayed.
"For reasons unknown to me I believe that someone is deliberately trying to portray me in a false light. These texts should not have been published.
"I am in possession of many authentic text messages between David and myself which portray a completely different picture than the one based upon the texts that have been published today."
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Uchitel -- who's also been famously linked to golfing great Tiger Woods, makes a point of saying that the Bones star chased her - and not the other way around.
Her statement continues: "First of all I want to make it clear that he pursued me. Second, the authentic texts which I have reveal that David Boreanaz repeatedly expressed his deep love and affection towards me. Third, I broke off the relationship because I no longer respected or trusted him. Finally, I am deeply hurt and offended that anyone would think that I wanted to break up his family. Nothing could be further from the truth."
A separate statement was released Thursday to RadarOnline.com by Uchitel's attorney, Gloria Allred. In it, Allred reinforces Uchitel's claims that Boreanaz aggressively pursued her and makes the revelation about the alleged "I love you" videotape, and talks about a piece of jewelry he gave her to symbolize their love.
"Rachel Uchitel had a romantic relationship with David Boreanaz. She understood that he was unhappy in his marriage and had been for some time and she had reason to believe that he intended to separate from his wife. He continually asked Ms. Uchitel to be patient and to wait for him.
"Some of the reasons that she believed him include that he spoke to Ms. Uchitel on the telephone and through text messages from morning until night on a regular basis. He treated her as his girlfriend and also took her out in public. He called her between takes when he was taping his television show and put her on the telephone with his friends and his son.
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: David Boreanaz Called Mother-In-Law To Confess Affair

"He even stayed with Ms. Uchitel when he came to New York for press tours. He gave her a silver key on a chain to symbolize “the key to their hearts.” He also sent her a video of himself telling her how much he loved her, that he loved her then and that he would love her forever. She has kept the video. Their relationship ended because Ms. Uchitel decided to break it off. She felt that he had not been completely truthful with her and she no longer trusted him."