EXCLUSIVE: Jon Cryer Wants Wife Homeless – Says Lawyer
May 7 2010, Published 11:48 a.m. ET
Two and a Half Men actor Jon Cryer is trying to make his ex-wife, Sarah Trigger, homeless, her attorney, Vicky Greene, tells RadarOnline.com in an exclusive statement.
“Cryer is trying to take child support away from my client and he would like to see her homeless,” she said. “Cryer filed a request in November to reduce Sarah Trigger’s child support from $10,000 to $0 but the request was denied by the judge and instead was reduced to $8000.
“The court determined that it was not in their son, Charley’s best interest to take his mother’s child support down to $0.
“He is doing this to the mother of his child.”
A source tells RadarOnline.com that Cryer has temporary custody of Charley and would like permanent custody. He is trying to reduce the child support he pays to Sarah and he is fully aware that without any financial support she will not be able to meet her monthly bills and in all likelihood will lose her home.
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“You’re looking at a guy that makes more than half a million dollars a month, and he’s complaining about paying the mother of his child $8,000.”
In papers filed at a Los Angeles court Monday Trigger gave a sworn statement accepting responsibility for an accident involving her other son, Alex, with her current husband that she was subsequently arrested and charged with child endangerment for. She also admitted that she had left Charley at home alone and agreed not to do it again.
Trigger said in the documents, "I have worked very hard to attend therapeutic requirements and finally visitation has been liberalized to include home visits for both of my children, but as it relates to this proceeding, with Charlie. I have done everything I am required to do and beyond, because nothing is more important to me than having both of my children returned to me for purposes of within proceeding, having Charlie come home."
Trigger said that she is in dire financial straits, "I am in financial ruins because of all the fees I have incurred and cannot afford to pay. I am up to my ears in debt." She says she isn't opposed to working, but says her ex is spreading rumors about her. "One of the problems I have encountered, aside from the negative publicity and Jon's stature in the business (I also have been told he is spreading negative rumors about me), is that no one is willing to push my name because I cannot actually commit to work due to my DCFS visitation and therapeutic schedule." She says without child support from Cryer, "I will be forced out into the street."

For his part, Cryer fired back with a list of objections to his ex-wife’s statements, requesting certain parts be struck off the record.
A hearing will be held on Monday for Cryer's objections and his request that those statements be stricken from the record.
When contacted by RadarOnline.com, reps for Cryer had “no comment.”