Hollywood Tweets About Passover
March 31 2010, Published 4:12 a.m. ET
Jews around the world are currently celebrating Passover, and some of Hollywood's finest have taken to Twitter to commemorate the holiday, which honors the escape of the Hebrews from enslavement in Egypt. For the full list of tweets, check out Wonderwall.
"Happy Passover to all you Jews out there," socialite DJ Samantha Ronson wrote. "To everyone else, thank your lucky stars you don't have to give up bread." (Jews do not eat leavened bread during Passover, opting for the cracker-like Matzo instead.)
Half-Jewish rocker Lenny Kravitz rocked out for the holiday, Tweeting "Happy Passover ... In the middle of a session."
Actress Elizabeth Banks wrote: "Happy Passover. Great seder last night ... Outfoxed by scrappy little kid though in hunt for Afikomen. Can't win 'em all."
And non-Jews got in on the act as well, such as Conan O'Brien, who Tweeted his usual witticism with a Semitic twist.
"Jewish fun fact: If you celebrate Passover on top of an overpass, you go back in time," he wrote.
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