PHOTOS: When Animals Attack!
Feb. 25 2010, Published 3:50 p.m. ET
As previously reported, in a shocking attack Wednesday, a packed audience at Orlando, Florida SeaWorld watched in horror as Tilikum, a 12,000-pound male orca whale, grabbed trainer Dawn Brancheau and pulled her into the water, where she drowned.
It's not the first time an animal has attacked, and it certainly won't be the last. When humans interact with wild animals, no matter how well trained they are, there's always an element of danger, and the same rings true sometimes even when it comes to our domesticated pets.
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Mother Of Killed Whale Trainer "My Daughter Died Doing What She Loved Best"
Many people have fallen foul to animal attack over the years, some in the most surprising of circumstances and some by the most surprising of animals.
Everyone loves visiting with the Chimpanzees at the zoo, watching their cute play and almost human interaction. But Charlka Nash learned the hard way that these animals are far from human, when she suffered a horrific attack at the hands of a supposedly domesticated chimp that had been kept as a pet for 14 years. The chimp ripped Nash's face off as well as biting off her fingers. Nash survived the attack, although she was left severely disfigured. The chimp was stabbed to death by it's owner as she fought to protect and save her friend's life.
EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW: Whale Advocates Blame SeaWorld For Trainer's Death
Back in June 2006, male model Fabio was enjoying a roller coaster ride when he was suddenly involved in a blood splattering collision with a wild goose. The muscleman sustained a one-inch gash to the bridge of his nose, the bird didn't escape so lightly though, it's lifeless body was discovered near the ride.
Las Vegas illusionists Siegfried and Roy put on thousands of draw dropping performnaces with their array of beautiful, wild animals, including 600-pound tigers. But in 2003 something went horrifically awry and Roy ended up fighting for his life in a trauma award after an on-stage attack by a 380-pound white tiger called Montecore.
Killed SeaWorld Trainer Believed In Trust Relationship With Whales
13-year-old surfer Bethany Hamilton to lucky to escape with just the loss of her arm when she was attacked by what is believed to be a 15-17 foot tiger shark, off the coast in Hawaii. The brave teenager has had no reservations about going back into the sea, and even though she is missing an arm she competes regularly in pro surf competitions.
In 2007 Ving Rhames' dogs went on a horrific attack - mauling to death an employee of the actor. Rhames' four dogs were taken into custody by Animal Control.
Tragedy struck in 2006 when popular TV host and wildlife expert Steve Irwin was killed by a stingray during a diving trip. The 44-year-old's heart was pierced by the serrated, poisonous spine of the stingray as he swam with the creature while shooting a new TV show on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia.
Witness: Whale Emerged From Water With Trainer In It's Mouth
17-year-old Carlos Sousa Jr was enjoying a day at the zoo with two friends back in December 2007, when a 300-pound female tiger escaped it's enclosure and attacked the three men. Sousa's friends were badly mauled in the attack although thankfully lived. Sousa, along with the tiger weren't so fortunate, Sousa's wounds proved fatal and the tiger was shot to death.

Nature enthusiast Timothy Treadwell lived amongst the grizzly bears in Alaska for 13 years in a row. Unfortunately, although he believed to have become one with the bears, it obviously wasn't so. Treadwell and his girlfriend Amie Huguenard were killed and devoured by one or possibly two grizzly bears in 2003.
Who doesn't want to get a bit of Ryan Seacrest? Seacrest found out the hard way, that even giant fish, especially those with big sharp teeth, all want a piece of the ever popular radio jock and American Idol host. Seacrest was bitten by a shark while swimming in the sea during a weekend vacation in Mexico back in 2008. Luckily the shark in question was just a sand shark, and only the size of a cat, leaving only a series of bite marks on Seacrest's toe.