EXCLUSIVE: Therapist Says Tiger Woods Is A Sociopath
Feb. 20 2010, Published 10:45 a.m. ET
Tiger Woods is a narcissist and sociopath, Psychotherapist Dr. Gilda Carle, PhD, tells RadarOnline.com exclusively.
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“I believe, in my professional opinion, that Tiger Woods is a sociopath, and sociopaths don't feel remorse or consequences.” Dr. Carle said after watching Tiger’s 13 minute apology.
The news conference was stoic and uncharacteristic of the Tiger we all know and she says “obviously rehearsed.”
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The therapist says “his tone of voice showed that he was embarrassed and ashamed, because he got caught, not because he was remorseful.. . He went on and on stumbling, which shows that he was uncomfortable and he was not in his usual ‘Tiger Woods invincible power.’ He was totally out of character. He is now a fallen star and he doesn't know how to fit that role. He was uncomfortable in this new role as ‘somebody who was very sorry,’ in this new role as a ‘vulnerable and flawed character,’ and Sociopaths will go to any length to appear to be something they are not. “
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Dr. Carle watched Tiger’s apology Friday morning and said it was very telling that Tiger’s wife, Elin, was not by his side. However, she goes on to say “He brought out Mommy instead and he hugged her.” That she says was a calculated move. The message: “a mother’s love is unconditional, because you can have many wives and many women, but you can only have one mother, so the message is “Mommy still loves me, so should my public.”
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This behavior she says is “a classic sign of a sociopath.” Dr. Carle does not treat Tiger and she points out that this is her professional opinion based on his behavior. On the fact that he never used the word "sex" she says: “Well that's an avoidance technique. He was trying to downplay his responsibility here. By not mentioning what he needs to mention, he was looking to downplay and avoid the real issue. One go around of therapy does not a responsible person make. It's a Sociopath's viewpoint, "I can do what I want, without having to suffer any consequences."

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“He said he was sorry, but what he is really sorry about is that he lost the endorsements and the ability to play golf, and most importantly the image of being ‘Mr. Perfect.’ I also think he's a Narcissist, because it's all about him, it's always all about him.”
Dr. Gilda Carle is a Therapist and Relationship Expert who is based in New York.