Tila Tequila: I'm Adopting Children From Haiti
Jan. 31 2010, Published 3:04 p.m. ET
There’s never a dull moment in Tila Tequila’s world and she dropped another bombshell this weekend, saying she’s going to adopt two children from Haiti.
The reality TV star, who also says she’s pregnant, Twittered: “Ok I will adop (sic) 2 children from HAITI....I'm going to try to do that ASAP! Those poor babies! Mommy is coming to rescue u (sic) my Angels! xoxox.”
And Mommy Tila is planning a brood, too.
She Twittered, in another message: “I am going to have 2 biological babies of my own, then adopt 3 other babies who need a home! TILA FOR PRESIDENT!!!! For real. I LOVE TO LOVE.”
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Her new claim is bound to stir more controversy but that’s nothing new for Tila.
After The Game claimed he is not the father of her unborn baby, she lashed out and told RadarOnline.com that the rapper will be proved wrong once a paternity test is completed when the child is born.
Speaking to RadarOnline, the 28-year-old said: "Game, I don’t need to bicker and fight with you love, when I know a lot of shady things about you, that I can sell you out on but I’m not.
EXCLUSIVE: Tila Tequila Slams The Game's Paternity Denial, "Just Wait 9 Months!" She Warns
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"Just wait nine months for my paternity test. I’m not worried about it. Game has nine months to live out all of his fun lies. Live it up baby! Nine months from now, it’s the big paternity test day! Now that doesn’t lie, unlike you, sir."