VIDEO: Sarah Palin Talks Levi Johnston, Katie Couric With Oprah Winfrey
Nov. 13 2009, Published 12:30 p.m. ET
Sarah Palin takes shots at journalist Katie Couric and her ex-running mate, Sen. John McCain -- but leaves the kid gloves on for Levi Johnston -- in a taped interview with Oprah Winfrey slated to air next week.
While the former governor of Alaska has publicly traded barbs with Johnston for the better part of 2009, Palin undoubtedly shocked many, when she told Winfrey that Johnston "is a part of the family, and you want to bring him in the fold and kind of under your wing.”
When asked if Levi has a spot at her Thanksgiving table this year, the sexy politician responded, "It’s lovely to think that he would ever even consider such a thing."
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Palin also spoke of her calamitous interview with CBS newswoman Katie Couric last year, which stood out for a viral snippet in which the then-Alaskan governor stumbled and stalled when Couric pressed her for details on her favorite newspapers.
Said Palin: “The campaign said ‘Right on, good. You’re showing your independence. This is what America needs to see’ and, of course, I’m thinking ‘if you thought that was a good interview, I don’t know what a bad interview was.’ So I knew it wasn't a good interview."
On McCain, Palin said there was a tension between her camp and his, and goes into detail in angrily describing how McCain, against her wishes, issued his own statement on behalf of the campaign about her daughter Bristol's pregnancy.
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Despite their obvious politically differences, Palin and Winfrey remained cordial, as the two powerful women struck a level of ease with one another during the revealing shoot.
“Oprah was very hospitable and gracious," Palin said. "And her audience was full of warm, energized and curious viewers."
The Oprah interview airs Monday, November 16; Going Rogue: An American Life, hits bookstores Tuesday.