Sarah Palin: Levi Johnston "Doesn't Have Anything On Me"
Nov. 17 2009, Published 12:01 p.m. ET
Former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin, in retort to Levi Johnston's claims that "she knows what I got on her," told Barbara Walters the father of her grandson "doesn't have anything on me" in an ABC interview Tuesday.
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Palin also denied Johnston's accusations she called her child Trig "the retarded baby," and that her marriage is in shambles.
"I don't know how he'd be making that one up," Palin said in defense of her marriage.
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Palin said she felt she let her teenage daughter Bristol down upon hearing the-then 17-year-old high school student was pregnant last year.
When asked by Walters if she felt she had failed as a mother, the former governor of Alaska said: "A parent's responsibility, yes, perhaps feeling I had let her down -- I think that's just a mother's nature."
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Palin said while she had discussed birth control with her daughter, she just assumed Bristol was not sexually active with her hunky high school beau, Johnston. Palin said that while she is not opposed to birth control, she would have counseled her daughter to "choose life" if the topic of abortion had arisen.
Bristol's pregnancy was announced just after Palin became the vice-presidential nominee for the Republican party last year; she gave birth to her to son, Tripp Easton Mitchell, on December 27, 2008.
Palin's new book, Going Rogue, is in stores now.