Judge Denies Joe Jackson Says He Has “No Interest In The Estate”
Nov. 10 2009, Published 8:57 a.m. ET
In court Tuesday Judge Mitchell Beckloff denied Joe Jackson's motion to contest the will or the executors, saying, "Joe Jackson doesn't have any interest in the estate, Michael Jackson didn't name him in the will or the trust."
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Judge Beckloff said Joe Jackson could proceed with his allowance petition, and that is the only claim Joe Jackson has in regards to the estate. Family allowance motion for Joe Jackson will be heard on December 10th.
Joe’s attorney Brian Oxman told the judge," The executors discriminated against my client by not giving him an allowance and giving one to Katherine Jackson."
Oxman is contesting the will and the executors of the estate.
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Katherine Jackson’s attorney Adam Streisand says, "Katherine Jackson wants the fighting to end, and end now. She wants to make money for the estate."
Judge Beckloff asked Oxman why they were objecting at this time. Oxman said that Katherine Jackson had reneged on a deal she made to the Jackson family to contest the executors and that is why Joe was taking this action. Oxman said, "Mrs. Jackson has reached some sort of deal with the estate, some backdoor deal."
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Howard Weitzman, attorney for the executors and Adam Streisand said this was absolutely not true. Legal powerhouse attorney Howard Weitzman said, "Mr. Oxman doesn't have a clue. There was no deal or settlement between the estate and Katherine Jackson. Katherine Jackson did the right thing by dropping her objections. The estate can now proceed with business of the estate." Streisand said Katherine Jackson didn't object to Joe Jackson’s request to receive an allowance.