EXCLUSIVE: Sexy Time For Plaintiffs In Borat Lawsuit Appeal!
Oct. 28 2009, Published 9:57 a.m. ET
One judge was clearly not amused. The other two judges were more adept at hiding their feelings but it was hard not to see the absurdity of the situation as a three-judge panel listened to plaintiff's arguments why their lawsuit against the makers of the movie Borat should go to a jury.
Sacha Baron Cohen: 5 Things You Didn't Know
RadarOnline.com was in Manhattan appellate court on Wednesday when several cases were combined into one appeal. All of the cases center on Sacha Baron Cohen's hit movie Borat, with plaintiffs arguing they were duped into signing a release at the last minute and that they didn't realize the movie was a mockumentary.
The plaintiffs had already lost in lower court rulings but are seeking to have those decisions overturned and the case go to a jury trial.
One plaintiff who showed up was Michael Psenicska, the driving instructor terrorized by Borat's erratic driving. In one classic scene Borat, with Psenicska in the car, yells to a female pedestrian that he'll pay her $10 for "sexy time".
Other plaintiffs represented were etiquette teacher Kathie Martin and Cindy Streit, the owner of an etiquette company. Borat bought etiquette lessons and in the movie, at a dinner party, gets horrified reactions from other diners when he brings a bag of human waste to the table.
The plaintiffs argued the release they signed was not valid. Only one judge was cantankerous in his questioning of his lawyers and did not appear to be a fan of the movie!