WORLDWIDE EXCLUSIVE: Octo-Mom's Bombshell Revelation About Octo-Daddy- "I Went Behind His Back"
June 4 2009, Published 5:35 a.m. ET
For the first time, Octo-Mom Nadya Suleman is making a stunning revelation about the babydaddy of her 14 children.
In an exclusive new story for, Suleman says she went behind the donor's back and used prior fertilized embryos, that he did not know had been frozen, in order to concieve what she thought would be her seventh child. Instead, she became pregnant with octuplets.
Speaking to her best friend over dinner Wednesday night, Nadya allowed only to record their intimate conversation. Suleman said that over the course of several years, prior to having the octuplets, she convinced and even begged the still unidentified man to donate sperm, which resulted in the birth of her first six children.
After having six kids using his sperm, Suleman wanted another, so for the last time she was inseminated, she used frozen embryos that were left over.
The problem is: the donor dad had absolutely no idea she had additional embryos.
Said Suleman: "That was my problem. That was my choice. That was my stupidity."
Nadya says he was upset when he found out they had been frozen and that he didn't give his consent to that. "I went behind his back and used them all. He didn't want me to. I feel so much guilt for that."
Nadya says she wants to apologize to him. "How was I to know more than one would grow?", she asks.
Watch more of our explosive new interview with Octo-Mom Nadya Suleman