TV: Thursday Night Hot Picks
May 14 2009, Published 6:26 a.m. ET
Are there any shows NOT ending tonight???
Tons of season finales this evening, including a two hour Grey’s Anatomy. Now, of course, the big question buzzing around the hot doc soap all year has been, will we lose two of our fav doctors to disease and perhaps an unfortunate accident? After Katherine Heigl (Izzie) whined about the writers, and real life BFF, T.R. Knight (George) declared he was fed up with Seattle Grace, we all wondered if the show’s creator, Shonda Rhimes would kick her ungrateful kids to the curb! It certainly seemed that way this season as mama Rhimes gave Izzie a bad case of cancer, but rumor has it, (SPOILER ALERT!) she may just have been teaching the actress a lesson and will give her another chance by curing her tonight! However, things may not look as good for George, with tonight’s finale hanging him off a big cliff! Will he survive to see another season? Well that story line will depend on this summer’s contract negotiations! George! Don't go!
The fifth season finale of The Office coincides with the show's 100th episode, and Dunder Mifflin will celebrate with a very eventful company picnic! Now in case you were hoping to see Jim in a dickie and Pam dressed in white by the end of the season, you’ll have to hold on to your wedding gift a little longer, possibly until the sixth season premiere next fall!
And the one show that does NOT have its season ending tonight is Ugly Betty. You can look forward to a fun story line as Betty’s cutie pie boyfriend, Matt goes a little psycho when he works on a photo shoot with Marc and Betty, and meets Grammy-winning songstress, Adele! (Love her!) Plus, since all the other shows with engaged characters have had their season finales, we get not one, but two wedding proposals tonight!
Note to all network writers: Seriously, enough with the weddings already!
Notable mentions… Mary J. Blige, Sheryl Crow and Elvis Costello guest star on 30 Rock, and Motley Crue performs on Bones.
Ugly Betty (ABC)
Bones (FOX) season finale
My Name Is Earl (NBC) season finale
Smallville (CW) season finale
Grey’s Anatomy (ABC) season finale
The Office (NBC) season finale
CSI (CBS) season finale
Hell’s Kitchen (FOX) season finale
Supernatural (CW) season finale
30 Rock (NBC)
CSI: NY (CBS) season finale