Nick Cannon Calls Eminem A “Peroxide Drenched Homophobic Has-Been”
May 8 2009, Published 10:10 a.m. ET
Nick Cannon took to his blog Friday afternoon to issue a warning to Eminem: he’s making it his mission to take Marshall Mathers down. So what sparked Cannon’s rage?
After returning from a second honeymoon in Maldives with wife Mariah Carey, Cannon took a listen to Eminem’s new CD, Release. And he really didn’t like what he heard. Cannon said the album “sounds like it was written in 2001,” but his real beef is with the derogatory lyrics Shady penned about Cannon and his wife Mariah Carey—specifically on the track Bagpipes from Baghdad. In the song, Eminem calls Carey some names too obscene to be printed here, and even makes a threat to Cannon: ”Nick Cannon better back the f*** up/ I'm not playin. I want her back ya punk.”
“Not only has his music not evolved, but also homeboy is still obsessed with my wife,” Cannon writes. “The same female that wouldn’t let him get to second base from 8 years ago!”
Cannon also called the Eight Mile wordsmith racist and disrespectful to women. “Your blatant disrespect not just to black women but ALL women in general must stop,” he said. “So Miss Marshall, I’m going to make you wish you never spoke my name and regret the ungodly things you said about my wife…You will now be known as the rapper who lost to Corny-a** Nick Cannon!!!”
(Photos: Splash News/PR Photos)