Zachary Quinto On Star Trek Sex
April 27 2009, Published 1:24 p.m. ET
New Spock Zachary Quinto admits it is a “huge gamble” to see him embark on a romantic relationship with Uhura played by sexy actress Zoe Saldana in the new Star Trek blockbuster.
The sultry relationship between Spock and Uhura will have some Star Trek fans “raising their eyebrows” but Heroes star Quinto believes it’s worth the risk.
“When I read that in the script I must admit that I felt JJ Abrams was taking a ‘huge gamble’ and that it was a very bold thing to try," says Quinto. "But the way it is done allows Spock to convey emotion as that is something he cannot express himself and is conflicted with. For him to have a relationship with Uhura is actually a natural thing for them to do in the context of the story.”
Quinto's co-star Saldana also admits to having some misgivings about the romance when it was told to her for the first time.
She says, “A first I thought JJ Abrams was ‘out of his mind’ but their relationship comes from a deeper place. She is very driven and he is very logical while at the same time she strives for perfection as the Enterprise’s Communications Officer. Spock is the opposite of Captain Kirk, who she hates, so, she really would be drawn to somebody like that."
Saldana adds, "When Spock calls her by her first name that is very touching for the audience as they see the relationship developing for real. I loved being Uhura because just like the original character played by Nichelle Nichols she is an empowered woman who is not afraid of being sexy, confident and sensitive too. I’m hoping the audience will identify with these traits in the new Uhura the same way the did with the original series because she was ground-breaking for women back then.” (Photo: WENN)