UPDATE: Dog Arrives at Obama White House While Animal Shelters Brace For Trouble
April 12 2009, Published 12:08 p.m. ET
It’s great that the Obamas adopted a dog, says the Humane Society of the United States. But the group is worried that puppy mills will soon be cranking out Portuguese water dogs faster than AIG issues executive bonus checks.
The group has seen this phenomenon before. After the movie “101 Dalmatians,” the spotted dogs overwhelmed animals shelters. Ditto for Chihuahuas after Paris Hilton and other celebrities started carrying around the little Mexican animals.
Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The Human Society, issued a statement saying: "We see faddism when it comes to pet-keeping in the movies, and we may see that scenario play out in the case with the First Family's selection of a Portuguese water dog".
"There are reputable breeders of these dogs, yet sadly we expect disreputable puppy mill operators to start producing them as well, intent on cashing in on the heightened awareness of this breed."
Pacelle called on President Obama to end “the national shame of rampant puppy mills in America."
The dog- which first daughters Malia and Sasha renamed Bo- finally got to the White House over Easter weekend. While the family originally talked about getting a dog from the shelter, their final pick came courtesy of a gift from Sen. Ted Kennedy. According to The Washington Post, the family will instead make a donation to District of Columbia Humane Society.
(Photo: Landov)