TRAVEL: Weird Places to Stay
March 12 2009, Published 12:35 p.m. ET
Boeing Jumbo Jet Hotel
How would you like to stay in a Boeing 747-200 jumbo jet hotel? We’re not kidding; there’s a very large jumbo jet parked at the Stockholm airport where you can book the converted cockpit with a panoramic view of the airport which features two beds, a flat-screen TV, free Wi-Fi and a private bathroom with shower.
The airplane was built for Singapore Airlines and later flew for Pan Am but then someone had the idea of converting it into a hotel/hostel. For someone who loves planes, you can indulge your fantasy for $358, which includes breakfast.
Ice Hotels
Ice hotel have become very trendy, so we’re not even sure they should be on this list except for the coolness factor.
One of the most famous is the Alta Igloo Hotel in Finland, which looks just like a solid block of ice but everything inside is hand carved to the last detail. The beds are carved out of ice too; however they are layered with reindeer skin and insulated sleeping bags so you don’t freeze to death. (We did wonder about the toilets – come on, we know you did too -- because if they’re also carved out of ice that could present a problem. Fortunately, a large wooden building next to the hotel houses the bathrooms, which link to the sauna.)
The Lakesestua Restaurant, constructed from wood in the shape of a tepee, also sits next to the igloo and serves WARM breakfasts of porridge, eggs, cheese and ham and dinners of reindeer stew and fish dishes. Yum! The hotel bar serves one drink only; bright blue vodka served in ice glassesry the ice cold vodka to warm up. Every year, they open in January and by the spring the hotel is melted to a puddle, so book accordingly.
Haunted Hotels
For those of whom live to be scared, this is for you. The creepiest hotel we found is in New Orleans called the Hotel Provincial. A spooky hotel is only as good as it’s stories and here’s one from a couple who’s room is said to be haunted by a dead solider who loved country music:
He said that once a hotel employee opened the door to show a guest into their room and they say they saw a man dressed in a 1930's Khaki military uniform, complete with hat and many medals, the Ghost looked them in the face then disappeared. The couple reported to us that the entire stay was filled with a feeling of being watched. And many a cold chill, they say that they captured his spirit on film.

Book at your own risk.