Baio Party For All Ages
Nov. 13 2008, Published 1:25 p.m. ET
To celebrate daughter Bailey DeLuca Baio's 1st birthday, former Happy Days pin-up Scott Baio went all out with a '50's Sock Hop themed party.
Young Bailey's event was held this weekend at the Braemar Country Club in Tarzana, Calif., and featured a root beer float bar, hula-hoops, and even a pink Cadillac cake.
Baio's wife, Renee, explains, "After I started ordering all the decorations, Scott walked into the baby's room, and is like, 'Darn you! You know what's going to happen? Everyone is going to talk about Fonzie and Chachi.'"
Scott, now 46, realizes daughter Bailey's just like him. "When I was a baby, my mother tells me I never slept because I never wanted to miss anything."
"She is the same way. She doesn't want to miss a thing."