Impertinent Youth Vexes Grizzled Old Man
Oct. 27 2008, Published 7:07 a.m. ET
Are you an American? Then you know about the conversation Senator John McCain had with John Kerry back in 2004 about being Kerry's running mate. Or at least that's the contention McCain makes in this audio clip as he berates New York Times reporter Elisabeth Bumiller for attempting to ask him about a story that is "absolutely well known by everyone." While some are characterizing the testy encounter as an example of the volatile senator's inability to control his temper, we prefer to see it as a simple case of an old person showing his impatience with an impudent youngster who doesn't have the damned sense to know when to keep her fool mouth shut. We cannot express just how thrilled we are that, come November, there's a very real prospect that we could spend the next four years being reamed out as a nation by cranky President Grandpa.