Arnold’s misleading mistress
Jan. 30 2008, Published 8:04 a.m. ET
Gigi Goyette, the woman at the center of Governor ArnoldSchwarzenegger’s hush-money sex scandal, appears to be trying tore-enter his good graces. Unfortunately for her, a little-known documentary andher loose-lipped friends are making her backpedaling a bit difficult.
Following reports that she was paid $20,000 by American Media for exclusiverights to her story two days before Arnold announced his candidacy in 2003Click here to display document, Goyette appeared on Inside Edition Tuesdaynight to declare, “Not only am I not his mistress, I didn’t comeforward. Nobody has ever come to me to get my exclusive story.”
Goyette, a 46-year-old single mother, went on to charge that 90 percent ofthe 2001 National Enquirer front-page story that outed her asSchwarzenegger’s undercover lover was false. But if that’s true, shehas no one but herself to blame.
According to a source close to Goyette, the perennially cash-strappedaspiring actress sold the story to the Enquirer herself for about$25,000 after she had a falling out with Schwarzenegger over a car he had givenher. (Apparently, when she went to register the “previously owned”vehicle, she learned the previous owner was one of his other mistresses.)
Goyette also told a drastically different story about her relationship withher onetime bodybuilding mentor in a 2004 BBC documentary called Made inBritain: the Real Arnold Schwarzenegger Click here to play clip.
Describing her relationship with Arnold, Goyette tells the interviewer,“it could be oral sex, it could be whatever.... It could be standing on myhead and getting head.” She adds that, “any stressed-out man inArnold’s position—and his wife wasn’t there to relievehim—you know, will get Gigi. You know, ‘She’s the helmetmaster, get her over here.’ You know, ‘Call Gigi.’”
We hear the illicit couple’s main rendezvous was Schwarzenegger’sannual Arnold Fitness Weekend in Columbus, Ohio. “Every year, Gigi woulddo the show—and also do Arnold,” our source laughed. “Gigitold me that one year Maria went to the event and after she went to bed, Arnoldsneaked into Gigi’s room.”
A spokesperson in Schwarzenegger’s press office declined to comment onGoyette’s sudden change of heart, and her lawyer said that Goyette wastraveling and could not immediately be reached for comment.
But Goyette may have dropped a clue in her Inside Edition interview:“Since my name became public in 2001 I lost my job and I have nevergotten one other part on any other television show, or in any movies. It’salmost like I’ve been banned, or blacklisted in Hollywood. Who did it? Idon’t know, but all I know is that I cannot get another part on anythingto save my life.”