Payback! Charlie Puts $1M Into Daughters' Trust Fund

Jan. 27 2016, Updated 9:55 a.m. ET
Is Charlie Sheen buttering up his ex? has learned he recently placed $1 million into a trust fund for his daughters Sam, 11, and Lola, 10, as he and their mom Denise Richards prepare for a courtroom showdown.
After Richards' Mulholland Estates mansion was sold, "Charlie had to pay back taxes and past due HOA fees, but there was one million dollars deposited into the girls trust fund," a source close to Sheen told "Why is Denise Richards continuing to try and get more money out of Charlie?"
As reported, Richards, 44, is asking a Los Angeles judge to force Sheen, 50, to either put $7 million in cash into the trust fund for Sam, 11, and Lola, 10, or purchase a home of equal value, after the actor sold the Mulholland Estates mansion that had been titled to a trust for the girls.
However, a source close to Richards told, "This has nothing to do with Denise getting any money out of Charlie for herself. This is only for their daughters, period. There was a trust agreement drawn up in 2014 and Denise just wants Charlie to abide by the terms of it. There was money put into the girls' trust fund, but it's nowhere near the $7 million that is required to be in the account." the source claims
"Charlie can either get another house worth $7 million or puts cash in the trust fund," the source adds. "Denise is fighting for their girls, and this has nothing to do with money for her."
As reported, Sheen begged Richards and their daughters, Sam, and Lola, to move into a mansion he owned nearby his house in Mulholland Estates after his HIV diagnosis. Fearing the illness was terminal, Sheen wanted to spend time with the girls, sources said.
Insiders claim Richards attempted to reach an agreement with Sheen prior to moving out of the $7 million mansion. But as those talks with their respective lawyers dragged on, Sheen "resumed his aggressive and hostile conduct," Richards said in her sworn declaration, obtained by
According to court documents, Sheen also told daughter, Lola, then nine-years-old, in a heated phone call that she was "a pig whore," and allegedly stated, "I'm going to kill you and your mom."

A court hearing has been scheduled for February 22.