Chelsea Handler Slams Guest Piers Morgan, Says ‘Suck My A**!’

Jan. 31 2013, Published 10:22 a.m. ET
A fired-up Chelsea Handler came out with guns loaded on Wednesday night’s Chelsea Lately, slamming guest Piers Morgan by saying he has “molester eyes”, calling him “annoying,” and even telling him to “suck my a**!”
Morgan – appearing on the E! chat show to mark the second anniversary of his show on CNN – spent most of the interview light heartedly poking fun at Handler, who was not taking it.
The 47-year-old unflappable Morgan had barely sat in his chair before Handler, her tone dripping with acid, asked him, “What are you looking at?”
The British journalist – obviously trying to be funny - replied with a rather back-handed compliment, saying, “Either you've had plastic surgery or a makeover as you look really hot today.”
Handler, 37, - clearly channeling her inner 5-year-old - quickly snapped back, “You are so annoying, you are so obnoxious and you wonder why everyone hates you.
“I specifically covered up so you couldn't look at me and undress me with your molester eyes,” she added.
The equally quick-thinking Piers hit back straight away, saying; “Normally when I come on the show you are really hung over in a really unprofessional way.”
Then, turning to the audience, Piers and added another zinger, saying, “She's like a bad boomerang, you chuck her away and she just sucks back in.”
Handler reminded Morgan that he had been a guest on her show a year ago.
“You interviewed me last year on my first anniversary and it just proves one thing....” said Piers.
Interrupting him, Chelsea responded, “Let me guess, that you're a better interviewer than I am?”
When a chuckling Piers agreed that that's where he was going, a miffed Handler fired back, “I don't pretend to be a great interviewer, I don't even pretend to be good at my job.”
“That's clearly apparent today, but I can help you,” responded Piers with a smirk.
At that point, the ever eloquent Handler said, “Suck my a**!”

Laughing out loud, Morgan ticked her off even more by once again asking, “Are you sure you haven't had any surgery? Seriously?”
When Chelsea then said she was trying to keep herself together, Piers got out a pretend violin and played it to the audience.
“Poor multi-millionairess Chelsea, whining about her life again,” he quipped.
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Chelsea Lately airs weeknights at 10/9c on E!