EXCLUSIVE: Women's Groups Outraged Over Chris Brown Sentence
June 23 2009, Published 2:17 p.m. ET
While pop star Rihanna remained mum on the plea deal handed to ex-boyfriend Chris Brown on Monday, Women's Groups were more than willing to give RadarOnline.com their thoughts on the singer's pending punishments.
For starters--outrage.
"I was very surprised that he will get no jail time. Paris Hilton got jail time for heaven's sake. This man beat Rihanna to a bloody pulp and he¹s not going to spend a day in jail," said Kim Gandy, President of the National Organization of Women.
"It really tells you about the way that judges look at violence against women."
While Brown will not do any hard time for the count of felony assault, he will serve 180 days of community labor, undergo a 52-week domestic violence class and answer to 5 years of probation.
"The level of assault wasn't met with the same level of consequence," says Rita Smith, Executive Director of the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence.
"It's not that Chris Brown didn't get more serious consequences. Most batterers don't get more serious consequences."
Smith feels it's reactions to first time offenses, like Brown's, that encourage repeat offenses.
"The first time they show up in the justice system you don't say, 'This is a really horrible thing you've done and you have to stop it, this is not acceptable behavior.' We don't say it strong enough," Smith tells us.
Gandy of NOW echoes her sentiments.
"I think the message that ought to be out there is that we need a whole lot more education of judges and that we need to put more money and energy into stopping the cycle of violence," said Gandy.
And for women like Rihanna in similar situations?
"I want women to know that this is not a healthy relationship," said Smith, "that they deserve better treatment than this. It doesn't matter who you are, you can be in danger and he has a responsibility for his actions no matter what."

(Photo: Splash News)