Unhappy Meal: NeNe Leakes' Son Arrested At McDonald's! Find Out Why!

June 25 2015, Updated 7:19 a.m. ET
Bryson Bryant, the oldest son of Real Housewives Of Atlanta star, NeNe Leakes, was arrested at a Georgia McDonalds for charges related to the forgery of Taco Bell checks!
McDonalds has been plagued over the decades by repeated sandwich thefts at the hands of the Hamburglar, but this past week, another criminal enterprise was taking place in the dining room of one of the franchise locations. On June 16th, Douglas Police stormed into the local fast food joint after being tipped off about criminal activity taking place -- a group was allegedly gathered at the restaurant printing fake Taco Bell checks.
In the report, Sgt. Joseph Stewart said that when they entered the restaurant, they found the group of young men with incriminating items. "I almost immediately heard someone say 'Oh, sh*t!' I looked over to a small table situated on the southwest corner of the dining room and saw a black male trying to shove what I recognized as a computer printer into a pink bag... I noticed a small stack of paper on the table where he had been sitting and several I.D.'s."
Unlike his associates who were arrested with him, Bryant himself has not yet been charged with check forgery. According to reports, while he was allegedly in possession of a fake check that had been written to him, he had not yet cashed it. Instead, he was arrested for providing the police with a false name, which is a misdemeanor.
This is not the first time that Bryant has found himself in trouble with the law. His arrests since 2010 have been for crimes ranging from drug possession, to DUI, to shoplifting two Mach 3 razors from Wal-Mart.
Bryant is married, has children, and reportedly works at Five Guys burger chain. Recently, mentions of him have notably missing from episodes of RHOA, although his mother continues to be a proud "glam-mother" to his young daughter, Bri'asia.