Snack Your Way Slim With Slimfast!
Jan. 12 2017, Updated 8:14 p.m. ET
For all the time we spend envying celebrities’ impeccably toned bodies, there are plenty of fit, confident real women from whom we can take inspiration. Case in point: Danielle Sydnor, Joann Rice and Roslyn Campbell, who’ve all experienced transformative weight loss that they credit to one simple and easy program: the SlimFast Plan. Now, as the stars of SlimFast’s new campaign, they’re raving about the success they had following the daily regimen: two meal-replacement shakes, one sensible meal and three 100-calorie snacks — which allows you to eat six times per day and stave off cravings!

Results not typical. Individual results vary. Individual was remunerated. Danielle and Joann followed the SlimFast Plan for 26 weeks.