Found! Bronco O.J. Simpson Used To Flee Cops After Ex's Savage Slaying Rediscovered

Feb. 8 2016, Updated 10:43 p.m. ET
The infamous white Ford Bronco O.J. Simpson and his pal Al Cowlings were in when they led police on a chase through Los Angeles has been discovered.
Cowlings drove the truck, a one-year-old model, while Simpson huddled in the back seat as news helicopters beamed footage of the chase to homes around the country following the murder of Simpson's estranged ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ron Goldman on June 12, 1994.
Inside Edition found the pristine vehicle stored away in a Northern California garage, some 22 years after it was last seen in public.
According to the show, the present owner of the infamous Bronco has driven just over 20 miles in it since the chase and has made an effort to keep everything about the vehicle as it was when Simpson owned it.
As reported, Simpson is back in the news thanks to the buzz over the new FX miniseries American Crime Story: The People V. O.J. Simpson.