Chris Soules’ Fatal Car Crash: Inside The Horrifying Death Scene
May 11 2017, Updated 7:29 p.m. ET
Former TV “Bachelor” Chris Soules could face a mandatory sentence of 25 years in prison
for vehicular homicide in a devastating development that could bring down the entire “Bachelor” franchise!
That is the bombshell finding of legal experts consulted by
in the wake of the ghastly April 24 accident in which Chris slaughtered a tractor driver
in Buchanan County, Iowa — and left him dead.
“The show isn’t coming off its best season by a long shot,” said an expert.
“This could be the final nail that convinces station execs to pull the plug.”
The accident occurred after Chris knocked back a few drinks and then callously got behind the wheel of his Chevy truck.
In a 911 call obtained by from cops, Chris claimed Kenneth Mosher,
and the tractor were hurled into a ditch after the 8 p.m. impact.
“He’s not conscious,” Chris said. “I can’t tell if he’s breathing. He doesn’t appear to be.”
After telling the dispatcher he saw cops and medical vehicles up the road, Chris fled the scene.