The Tonight Show
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OMG! Bret Michaels Flies To Los Angeles, Taking Medical Precautions
Bret Michaels flew from New York to Los Angeles on Tuesday for his appearance on The Tonight Show. [ami-related target="_blank"OMG! VIDEO: Scarlett Johansson Slams White House Dinner
Scarlett Johansson said she enjoyed almost everything about this past Saturday's White House Correspondents' Association dinner, in an appearance on The TonightOMG! VIDEO: Kate Gosselin Says She's "Not Aware" If Jon Has A Job
Kate Gosselin touched on her ex-husband Jon's current state of employment, or lack thereof, when she appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Thursday, and weOMG! VIDEO: Kevin Eubanks Leaving Tonight Show In May
Kevin Eubanks has made it official: the jazz guitarist and band leader is leaving The Tonight Show with Jay Leno after 18-years, canOMG! Conan O'Brien Returns to Late Night, But With TBS Not Fox
Conan O’Brien is returning to late night TV—and he’s not going to Fox, has learned. Conan O’Brien Kisses A Dolphin The funnyman has struck aOMG! VIDEO: Jay Leno Says "Conan And I Got Screwed"
Jay Leno got candid with Joy Behar when she stopped by The Tonight Show recently. On her video blog for CNN's HLN, she went behind the scenes and snagged anOMG! VIDEO: Betty White: Retirement "Not A Word I'm Familiar With"
The Betty White express continues to roll: The 88-year-old Golden Girls star's reign at the top of the pop culture mountain continued on The Tonight Show withOMG! EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: Ross The Intern Says Leno Crew "Happy To Be Back At 11:30"
Ross Mathews, famously known as Ross The Intern on NBC’s The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, is happy the show is back on track and the Jay/Conan drama isOMG! VIDEO: Joan Jett Impressed By Kristen Stewart's Runaway Talent
Joan Jett loves rock n' roll -- and Kristen Stewart!The rocker described her positive first impression of the Twilight star, who plays her in The Runaways, onOMG! VIDEO: Simon Cowell Brings New Love Out On The Tonight Show
Simon Cowell brought his beautiful bride-to-be, makeup artist Mezhgan Hussainy, out on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno Monday, and discussed the couple'sOMG! VIDEO: Sarah Palin Steals The Tonight Show
Move over, Tina Fey: Sarah Palin was the star of The Tonight Show Tuesday, as the former vice presidential nominee showed America her comedic side, andOMG! EXCLUSIVE: Bristol Palin Starts Shooting TV Show, Plus Teen Pregnancy Ads
Bristol Palin is in Los Angeles and is shooting her appearance on The Secret Life of The American Teenager plus two public service announcements about theOMG! Ratings: Leno Trounces Letterman In Return To Late Night
Jay Leno’s return to the Tonight Show brought in almost twice the viewers than longtime foe David Letterman, has confirmed. Tonight Show WithOMG! VIDEO: Howard Stern - "The Mere Mention Of Jay Leno's Name Makes Me Want To Vomit"
The King of All Media Howard Stern is not on the welcome wagon for Jay Leno in his return to late night, as the radio icon delivered one of his venomous attacksOMG! VIDEO: The Tonight Show With Jay Leno Returns
A slimmed down, confident looking Jay Leno returned for his second stint as host of The Tonight Show Monday, and has you covered on his bigOMG! The Tonight Show With Jay Leno Returns Monday
Jay Leno returns as host of The Tonight Show Monday night, and has a sneak peek at what to expect when Jay kicks off his second stint as host inOMG! EXCLUSIVE: Craig Ferguson Show Paying Audience Members!
The mountains of praise Craig Ferguson is receiving for his “no audience” trial show may be undeserved: Ferguson is the only late night show to pay audienceOMG! PHOTOS: The Situation Picks up Leo DiCaprio's Girl
Mike “The Situation” Sorrentino of Jersey Shore got into quite a sticky situation with Leonardo DiCaprio’s girl, has learned and has pictures toOMG! PHOTO: New Tonight Show Logo Unveiled!
You've gotta wait until next month to see Jay Leno back at the helm of The Tonight Show, but has a sneak peek at the logo the show will usher inOMG! VIDEO: Jay Leno And David Letterman Team Up For Super Bowl Ad
Rivalry is usually rife between competing Kings of late night, Jay Leno and David Letterman. But the chat show hosts buried the hatchet - at least temporarily -OMG! Conan O Brien's Tonight Show Studio Dismantled; Staffers Mock NBC
NBC might be doing its best to put the failed Conan O'Brien experiment behind it, but loyal staffers of the former Tonight Show host aren't going downOMG! Conan O'Brien Records Best Ratings On Final Tonight Show
Conan O'Brien was right that “amazing things will happen,” albeit it too little, too late for the ex-host of The Tonight Show, whose final broadcast last FridayOMG! PHOTOS: Jay Leno Is A Gunslinger
We wonder what this skit will be about![ami-related target="_blank" url="" title="OMG! Jay Leno: Jimmy Kimmel Sucker Punched Me
In a candid interview with Oprah Winfrey airing on Thursday, Jay Leno opened up about the NBC shakeup regarding The Tonight Show, saying he feltOMG! VIDEO: Conan O'Brien "Determined To Make Best" Of NBC Departure
Conan O’Brien at least has his sense of humor intact. In his monologue on Thursday evening’s show, the funnyman reflected on the day’s big news that he inked aOMG! NBC Confirms Conan Leaving; Says Must Stay Off Air Until September
Breaking up is hard to do, and even harder to put in a press release -- but Thursday morning, NBC finally did it. In a statement released to,OMG! VIDEO: NBC Boss Jeff Zucker Breaks Silence On Conan/Leno Fiasco
NBC-Universal CEO Jeff Zucker broke his silence on The Tonight Show fiasco while speaking to Charlie Rose Monday, in the wake of a bitter power struggle betweenOMG! NBC To Make Conan O'Brien Announcement Tuesday
Seems we will soon know the fate of the Tonight Show host Conan O'Brien. VIDEO: Conan O'Brien's Stinging Song Blasting NBC 'Morons' As previously reportedOMG! Conan O'Brien's Manager Begs NBC "Reverse Your Decision"
Amid reports that Conan O'Brien may collect as much as $30 million from NBC for NOT doing The Tonight Show, the funny man's high voltage manager Gavin PoloneOMG! Report: Conan O'Brien Leaving NBC; Can Appear On Another Network
Tonight Show host Conan O’Brien is definitely leaving NBC and will not only receive a payout, he’ll also be allowed to appear on another network before hisOMG! Conan O'Brien "Would Be Happier Somewhere Else"
It’s no joke -- funnyman Conan O’Brien could leave NBC in wake of the Peacock Network’s colossal disaster involving The Jay Leno Show. A source told the NY PostOMG! Jay Leno Show Canceled, It's Official
NBC has made official what everybody who hasn't been living under a rock has known for days. The plug has been pulled on The Jay Leno Show. The sign off isOMG! VIDEO: Conan O’Brien Cracks Raunchy Joke At Kirstie Alley’s Expense
Yikes – late night is getting really raunchy.An escalating war of words between The Tonight Show host Conan O'Brien and actress Kirstie Alley might haveOMG! VIDEO: Jamie Foxx Admits Nude Pic Is All Jamie!
Academy Award winning actor and Grammy Award winning singer Jamie Foxx is the latest celebrity to hit the internet with a nude picture but this A-lister is notOMG! Conan O'Brien Rushed To Hospital After Fall On Tonight Show Set
If you were wondering why The Tonight Show aired a repeat episode Friday night, it was all because the show's star Conan O'Brien was in the hospital.Conan isOMG! VIDEO: Piers Morgan Second Fiddle To Simon Cowell
Simon Cowell may have made America's Got Talent judge Piers Morgan famous in America, but that hasn't stopped him from talking smack about his friend and boss.OMG! VIDEO: Sienna Miller: "I Burned My Boobs"
Actress Sienna Miller may play a sexy leather-clad bad girl in G.I. Joe, but on set during filming, she was far from being an action figure.On The Tonight ShowOMG! Friday TV Hot List
The battle of the late night giants is on… and it ain’t pretty folks! It seemed as if David Letterman was going to feel the heat when younger, hipper ConanOMG! VIDEO: Conan O'Brien Pays Tribute To the Late Ed McMahon
Conan O'Brien -- new host of The Tonight Show -- paid tribute Tuesday night to Ed McMahon, the legendary 'second banana' to former Tonight Show host JohnnyOMG! BREAKING NEWS: Ed McMahon Dies At 86
Longtime Johnny Carson sidekick Ed McMahon, renown for his iconic catch phrase "Here's Johnny," has passed away in Los Angeles at the age of 86. PHOTO GALLERY:OMG! Letterman Close To Signing New 3-Year Deal
David Letterman is near a deal to continue reading Top 10 lists on CBS for another three years. The network is about to re-sign the Emmy-winning talk-show hostOMG! Gwynnie Feels Up Conan’s Glutes
Gwyneth Paltrow, appearing on the Tonight Show Thursday night to promote her Web site,, showed Conan O'Brien a few exercises to help his self-describedOMG! The Conan O' Brien Tonight Show Era Begins Tonight
Joining a very exclusive show biz fraternity, Conan O'Brien takes the helm as the fifth-ever host of the Tonight Show Monday, following in the footsteps ofOMG! Jay Leno Says Goodbye To 'Tonight Show'
Jay Leno gracefully bowed from his desk at NBC's The Tonight Show on Friday evening, an hour of reflection, thanks and even a Jon & Kate joke!"When I startedOMG! Jay Leno Rides Into Tonight Show Sunset
Jay Leno is going out with class. Wrapping up a strong, 17-year run as the host of the top-rated Tonight Show -- which he called "the most wonderful job ever inOMG! Jay Leno Overcomes Car Problems, Expected To Return Tonight
Jay Leno can't catch a break these days. The Tonight Show host (and noted car enthusiast) looked to be in need of a tow truck Sunday, when auto problems forcedOMG! NBC Not Amused By Boston Leno Snub
Boston's NBC affiliate, WHDH Channel 7, said it will not alter its schedule to accommodate the network's planned fall shift of The Tonight Show With Jay Leno toOMG! Update: Obama Apologizes For Special Olympics Joke
President Obama is apologizing for a flippant joke aimed at the Special Olympics during his appearance on The Tonight Show on Thursday.The President, discussing