Off The Wagon! Rehab Grad Tatum O'Neal Drinking Again -- Inside Her Downward Spiral

June 20 2019, Updated 7:19 p.m. ET
After Rosie O'Donnell's daughter ran away and her ex-girlfriend tried to commit suicide, has learned the TV star could have another major issue on her hands: According to an insider, her new girlfriend, Tatum O'Neal, has started drinking again!

After at least three stints in rehab, O'Neal, 51, has "fallen off the wagon," an insider told Radar.

On September 24, she was spotted guzzling red wine over a meal with a friend at Zinque in West Hollywood.

Said the source, "I was surprised to see Tatum tossing back at least two glasses of red wine." And that wasn't her only boozy meal in recent weeks.

In August, she was photographed with glasses of red wine while on a date with O'Donnell at Da Silvano in NYC.

Said the source, "You'd think Tatum would have learned her lesson!"

Indeed, O'Neal's struggles with drugs and alcohol are no secret. She lost custody of her children with John McEnroe during their 1994 divorce due to her addictions.

And in 2008, she was arrested after police witnessed her giving money to a street drug dealer on Manhattan's Lower East Side. She pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct and agreed to attend two half-day sessions in a drug treatment program.

She claimed she was sober before dating O'Donnell.

Added the source, "No one wants to see Tatum as a fall-down drunk and junkie again."

"She needs an intervention and she needs it now!"