PHOTOS: Celebs Who Have Been Divorced Twice Before 40

Dec. 8 2014, Updated 7:57 p.m. ET
PHOTOS: Celebs Who Have Been Divorced Twice Before 40
1. Kate WinsletAt just 35, highly-acclaimed actress Kate Winslet has more ex-husbandsthan Oscars. The Titanic star was divorced from first husband JimThreapleton in 2001 after having daughter Mia, now 10. She’s currentlyseparated from her second spouse, Sam Mendes, who she married in 2003and split with last May. The couple have a son named Joe, 7.

Kate Winslet
At just 35, highly-acclaimed actress Kate Winslet has more ex-husbands
than Oscars. The Titanic star was divorced from first husband Jim
Threapleton in 2001 after having daughter Mia, now 10. She's currently
separated from her second spouse, Sam Mendes, who she married in 2003
and split with last May. The couple have a son named Joe, 7.
2. Melanie Griffith was only 14 when she met first husband Don Johnsonand the couple tied the knot when she was 18. After a whirlwind6-month marriage, they divorced and Melanie went on to marry anddivorce Steven Bauer before walking down the aisle with Johnson again!Griffith, 53, is now happily wed to Latin star Antonio Banderas.

Melanie Griffith was only 14 when she met first husband Don Johnson
and the couple tied the knot when she was 18. After a whirlwind
6-month marriage, they divorced and Melanie went on to marry and
divorce Steven Bauer before walking down the aisle with Johnson again!
Griffith, 53, is now happily wed to Latin star Antonio Banderas.
3. Teri Hatcher’s first trip down the aisle was with Markus Leithold in1988 but the mismatched union only lasted a year. After finding fameon Lois And Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Teri Hatchermarried The Closer star Jon Tenney and gave birth to daughter Emerson.The couple have been divorced since 2003 and Teri’s proved that she’sfar from being a Desperate Housewife in real life.

Teri Hatcher's first trip down the aisle was with Markus Leithold in
1988 but the mismatched union only lasted a year. After finding fame
on Lois And Clark: The New Adventures of Superman, Teri Hatcher
married The Closer star Jon Tenney and gave birth to daughter Emerson.
The couple have been divorced since 2003 and Teri's proved that she's
far from being a Desperate Housewife in real life.
4. Party Of Five star Neve Campbell married first hubby Jeff Colt whenshe was just 22 but the fire of the young romance burned out withinthree years. She remarried rapidly to John Light but now 37, Neve isworking on her fourth Scream movie and her second divorce.

Party Of Five star Neve Campbell married first hubby Jeff Colt when
she was just 22 but the fire of the young romance burned out within
three years. She remarried rapidly to John Light but now 37, Neve is
working on her fourth Scream movie and her second divorce.
5. Former party-girl Drew Barrymore, 35, got hitched to teen lover JeremyThomas when she was just 19 but the marriage was destined for doom andthey divorced just days after Valentine’s the following year. Hersurprise marriage to Tom Green wasn’t anymore successful and the split from the comedian within 18 months.

Former party-girl Drew Barrymore, 35, got hitched to teen lover Jeremy
Thomas when she was just 19 but the marriage was destined for doom and
they divorced just days after Valentine's the following year. Her
surprise marriage to Tom Green wasn't anymore successful and the E.T.
star split from the comedian within 18 months.
6. Marriage is no laughing matter for funny guy Jim Carrey. The Mask starwas just 22 when he wed first wife and mother of his child, MelissaCarrey. After that union turned into a bad joke with a very messydivorce in 1995, he married his Dumb & Dumber co-star Lauren Hollywith the same results.

Marriage is no laughing matter for funny guy Jim Carrey. The Mask star
was just 22 when he wed first wife and mother of his child, Melissa
Carrey. After that union turned into a bad joke with a very messy
divorce in 1995, he married his Dumb & Dumber co-star Lauren Holly
with the same results.
7. Many Desperate Housewives fans don’t even know that Eva Longoria, now35, was married to General Hospital star Tyler Christian when she was27. The marriage only lasted two years and Eva has since claimed thatshe was too young to be married. It wasn’t age but a high-profilecheating scandal that doomed her second marriage to NBA star TonyParker and a devastated Eva filed for divorce in November.

Many Desperate Housewives fans don't even know that Eva Longoria, now
35, was married to General Hospital star Tyler Christian when she was
27. The marriage only lasted two years and Eva has since claimed that
she was too young to be married. It wasn't age but a high-profile
cheating scandal that doomed her second marriage to NBA star Tony
Parker and a devastated Eva filed for divorce in November.
8. Wild child Angelina Jolie married English actor and Hackers co-starJonny Lee Miller when she was 21 but the on-set romance didn’t lastmuch past the film’s release. Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton latershocked fans – and his then-fiancee Laura Dern – with thier shotgunwedding in 2000. Sadly even wearing mutual vials of blood couldn’tkeep the couple together but as the world knows, Angelina, 35, is nowhappily not-married to Brad Pitt while constantly expanding theirever-growing family.

Wild child Angelina Jolie married English actor and Hackers co-star
Jonny Lee Miller when she was 21 but the on-set romance didn't last
much past the film's release. Jolie and Billy Bob Thornton later
shocked fans - and his then-fiancee Laura Dern - with thier shotgun
wedding in 2000. Sadly even wearing mutual vials of blood couldn't
keep the couple together but as the world knows, Angelina, 35, is now
happily not-married to Brad Pitt while constantly expanding their
ever-growing family.
9. Jennifer Lopez is still getting grief from first husband Ojani Noaover legal issues over 13 years after they got divorced. The JennyFrom The Block singer then married dancer Cris Judd but they’recreative collaboration only lasted 18 months. Luckily Lopez found truelove with Marc Anthony and the pair have twins, Emme and Max, who arealmost three.

Jennifer Lopez is still getting grief from first husband Ojani Noa
over legal issues over 13 years after they got divorced. The Jenny
From The Block singer then married dancer Cris Judd but they're
creative collaboration only lasted 18 months. Luckily Lopez found true
love with Marc Anthony and the pair have twins, Emme and Max, who are
almost three.
10. Hot mama Halle Berry had terrible luck with men during her youngeryears! Her marriage to first husband baseball player David Justiceended in 1997 amidst rumors of physical abuse, while her second unionwith Eric Benet exploded after he was treated for sex addiction. Thesexy Catwoman star is now dating French hunk Oliver Martinez with noplans to walk down the aisle a third time.

Hot mama Halle Berry had terrible luck with men during her younger
years! Her marriage to first husband baseball player David Justice
ended in 1997 amidst rumors of physical abuse, while her second union
with Eric Benet exploded after he was treated for sex addiction. The
sexy Catwoman star is now dating French hunk Oliver Martinez with no
plans to walk down the aisle a third time.
11. 24 star Kiefer Sutherland married older woman Camille Kath when he wasjust 21, and while the marriage didn’t last it did produce his beloveddaughter, Sarah. An engagement to Julia Roberts ended when she ran offwith his Lost Boys co-star Jason Patric, Sutherland mended his brokenheart with a wedding to Kelly Winn but they were also divorced in2004.

24 star Kiefer Sutherland married older woman Camille Kath when he was
just 21, and while the marriage didn't last it did produce his beloved
daughter, Sarah. An engagement to Julia Roberts ended when she ran off
with his Lost Boys co-star Jason Patric, Sutherland mended his broken
heart with a wedding to Kelly Winn but they were also divorced in
12. Baywatch star Pamela Anderson was swept off her feet by Motley Cruerocker Tommy Lee and the pair wed in Cancun, Mexico less than twomonths after meeting. After a rocky romance, an infamous sex tape andalleged infected tattoo needles, the couple headed to the divorcecourt in 1998. Anderson has since married and divorced equallycontroversial husbands, Kid Rock and Rick Soloman, and is now a singlemom at 43.

Baywatch star Pamela Anderson was swept off her feet by Motley Crue
rocker Tommy Lee and the pair wed in Cancun, Mexico less than two
months after meeting. After a rocky romance, an infamous sex tape and
alleged infected tattoo needles, the couple headed to the divorce
court in 1998. Anderson has since married and divorced equally
controversial husbands, Kid Rock and Rick Soloman, and is now a single
mom at 43.