Oprah Winfrey's SECRET Brother Revealed — And He's Homeless!

Feb. 18 2016, Updated 2:23 p.m. ET

A homeless man has popped up out of nowhere to claim he's Oprah Winfrey's long-lost brother and The National ENQUIRER has the exclusive details about this bombshell surprise.
Danny Dunston, who claims to be Oprah Winfrey’s long-lost brother.

The media mogul's father, Vernon Winfrey, exclusively told The National ENQUIRER that he was flabbergasted to learn Danny Dunston, 67, claims to be his secret son.
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Former truck driver Dunston insisted he's not after his billionaire sister's fortune, and said just meeting her would be a "blessing."
Danny Dunston, who claims to be Oprah Winfrey’s long-lost brother.

"Several months ago Danny just turned up, and said I was his daddy!" Vernon, 83, told The ENQUIRER.
Danny Dunston, who claims to be Oprah Winfrey’s long-lost brother.

"I was shocked! I didn't know whether to believe him or not," Vernon explained.
Danny Dunston, who claims to be Oprah Winfrey’s long-lost brother.

Oprah's father has no plans to find out if he truly is his biological son. He said, "I'm too old to get blood tests and DNA and things like that."
Danny Dunston, who claims to be Oprah Winfrey’s long-lost brother.

However, big-hearted Vernon took Dunston under his wing, and allowed him to hang out at his barbershop in Nashville, Tenn.
Danny Dunston, who claims to be Oprah Winfrey’s long-lost brother.

"I don't mind having him around," Vernon told The ENQUIRER.
Danny Dunston, who claims to be Oprah Winfrey’s long-lost brother.

The still-spry senior citizen works nearly every day, but said he hasn't seen his famous daughter in nearly two years, and is terrified at how she might react to her secret sibling.
Danny Dunston, who claims to be Oprah Winfrey’s long-lost brother.

"Oprah has been a real fine daughter!" Vernon gushed. "I'm worried she might be angry about him just turning up."
Danny Dunston, who claims to be Oprah Winfrey’s long-lost brother.

Dunston claimed Vernon met his mother, Dilcy, in Tennessee, and got her pregnant when he was just 16. Dilcy raised him in Florida and died 10 years ago. "My mother told me just before she died who my daddy was, and where he worked," Dunston — a divorced dad who lives in a church-run shelter — told The ENQUIRER.
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"I was very surprised. I came up to Nashville from Florida, where I was living, and got to know Vernon," he said. About a month after they met, Dunston dropped the bombshell that he was Vernon's son. Do you think Oprah will meet Danny?