Life According To Jessica Simpson! 18 Of The Star’s Wackiest Quotes

Dec. 16 2015, Updated 11:33 a.m. ET
Jessica Simpson left fans scratching their heads recently because of a bizarre interview that she gave to Extra. Jerking her head back and forth the blonde mom-of-two made some goofy comments about her kids, fashion and life in general. Now, after declaring that her daughter's dad "is her boyfriend," we take a look at some of Miss Simpson's best moments.

Jessica Simpson left fans scratching their heads recently because of a bizarre interview that she gave to Extra. Jerking her head back and forth the blonde mom-of-two made some goofy comments about her kids, fashion and life in general. Now, after declaring that her daughter's dad "is her boyfriend," we take a look at some of Miss Simpson's best moments.

"Is this chicken, what I have, or is this fish? I know it's tuna but it says 'Chicken by the Sea'. Is that stupid?" Back when Simpson was married to Nick Lachey and they were the stars of the MTV show Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica, she got a little confused between chicken and tuna.

And she hadn't quite grasped the concept of buffalo wings either. When her sister-in-law offered her one over dinner she declined saying, "Sorry, I don't eat buffalo."

When sharing her pearls of wisdom on the difference between dumb and ditzy, the blonde once said, "Dumb is just not knowing. 'Ditzy' is having the courage to ask!"

On age: "Twenty-three is old. It’s almost 25, which is like almost mid-20s."

During an episode of Newlyweds Simpson was also perplexed by the word "platypus" saying, "Platypus? I thought it was pronounced platymapus. Has it always been pronounced platypus?"

Ever the fashionista, in one episode she said, "Is that weird, taking my Louis Vuitton bag camping?"

As a heavily pregnant mom-to-be Simpson told Jimmy Kimmel in 2012, “Whenever my water breaks it’ll be like a fire hydrant!"

Speaking of pregnancy, she once told Jay Leno on The Tonight Show, "We weren’t trying, but we were definitely practicing – and not safely practicing."

In a 2010 interview with Ellen DeGeneres, Simpson explained why she doesn't brush her teeth daily. She said, "Because my teeth are so white and I don't like them to feel too slippery but I do use Listerine and I do floss everyday." She added, "My lips just slide all over the place…I can't catch up with my mouth. I need coating."

In 2008, she told People, "To be my man, you have to put up with a lot. I toot under the sheets, I spend a lot of money and I can belch the ABCs."

Always the lady, she told Extra in 2007, "I’m not good on sugar. Or dairy – you’ll hear it come out of all ends."

Speaking to People about fashion and singing, Simpson said in March 2015, "Music? I just wanted to take a break on it. It is in my heart and in my soul, but so is putting on a really great dress."

While pregnant with her second child, Ace, in 2012 she tweeted a selfie of her bare belly, writing, "Bumpin’ and Proud!"

In March 2013, Simpson tried but failed to keep the sex of her unborn baby under wraps, telling Jimmy Kimmel, "The crazy thing is, I never knew that a wiener could actually make me nauseous." Then added, "Well, I guess I just told the world that I'm having a boy!... That was not planned. I just did it so crude, too."

"I do pass gas a lot. I guarantee it smells like roses," she said at a gig in August 2008.

In January 2011, she tweeted, "Saying my prayers before bedtime…Thank you Lord for blessing me with a Man that has the perfect Tush…laying my hands upon it with peace :)"

When in doubt, do what Simpson does — resort to Twitter. She tweeted in August 2009, "Love it when the lyric of a song asks me a question. Is 'asks' even a word? It not, sorry 4 my lazyiness sic with grammar."

Over sharing on Thanksgiving Day in 2009, she tweeted, "I have indigestion! I’m praying that my last 'thank you' on my list will be for a calm stomach! God, I love Texan family cooking though! Burp."