Cat Fight! Holly Madison Rips Hugh Hefner's Wife Crystal In Another 'Playboy' Takedown – Her Brutal Insult Revealed

Oct. 6 2015, Published 8:32 p.m. ET
Holly Madison is still on the warpath about her former Playboy pals! She ripped Hugh Hefner's wife Crystal in a new interview and has all the details.

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As a new mom, Madison said she faced severe criticism about naming her daughter Rainbow. "Oh, yeah. I got flooded with stupid commentary on social media," she told Yahoo Parenting. "It's definitely a unique name. I like unique names and I wouldn't have picked it if were common. But, growing up, there was a girl in my class named Rainbow. I grew up in Oregon, where a lot of hippies went to start families. There was a girl at school named Rainbow, and I was so jealous and I wanted it to be my name."

But then she took a sly dig at Mrs. Hugh Hefner, Crystal Harris. "So it's definitely unusual, but it's a name. It's not like I called her Coffee Table. People love to say, 'That's a stripper name.' But I've spent a lot of time in Vegas and strippers aren't named Rainbow. They're named Amber, Crystal and Jessica."
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Madison said that the Playboy founder was "Absolutely not," involved in her daughter's life. "When I left the mansion we were cordial for a while but eventually I opened my eyes to what kind of person he was and we haven't talked for years," she said about her ex-boyfriend.
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Madison said, "There are others who have brought their babies to the mansions after they were born, but it's not something I would do."
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The 35-year-old said that she revealed the dark secrets about her life in Down the Rabbit Hole: Curious Adventures and Cautionary Tales of a Former Playboy Bunny for her daughter. "That's one of the reasons I wrote the book — I wanted my side of the story out there. I never had a voice. It was always shaped by the TV show or by Playboy or Hef himself. But I want my daughter to know why I made the decisions I did. Since writing the book, I've had a lot of practice defending myself and the choices I made and I think that has been good practice for discussing those decisions with her," she said.
Holly Madison Photo Shoot

Madison described what advice she would give other women who are considering baring it all for photos or on film: "As for a posing nude, I get asked about it a lot from people who are considering doing it. I don't try to talk anyone into it or out of it, but I do want them to know that before you make the decision, you should consider the ramifications. While you are doing it, it might seem fine, but years later you don't necessarily want those pics out there, and they don't go away."
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"People assume that because I've been in Playboy that it's OK — I'll be nude anywhere," Holly said. "But a woman's body is her own, a man's is his own, and when we feel okay being naked is different for everybody. Some might feel okay in a locker room but not in public, or in Playboy but not a different publication. It's a choice and everyone is entitled to the choice. I feel like once you've posed nude, suddenly people assume your body is always fair game."
Holly Madison Portraits

Madison, who lived in the Playboy Mansion for years, told Yahoo Parenting that she does not want her daughter to grow up to be a bunny. "I would not be OK with it," she insisted. "When she is an adult, she will be able to do what she wants, but from Day One I've tried to raise her to know she has value, her body parts have value, and she doesn't have to do something cheap or tawdry to get attention. If she wanted to do — and God forbid she did — I would tell her my whole experience with it and I'd be honest that it wasn't what I thought it would be." What do you think about Holly's rant against Hef and her Playboy experience? Sound off in comments below.