Dying To Be Thin -- Hollywood's 15 Most Drastic Diet Secrets & Scandals

Dec. 8 2014, Updated 7:41 p.m. ET
Thin is in -- the entertainment industry makes no secret of their desire to have skinny A-listers gracing the big screen, so RadarOnline.com is taking a look at some of Hollywood's most drastic and shocking diet scandals.
Ryan Seacrest

You might not think "skinny" when you see Ryan Seacrest, but even men in the entertainment industry worry about their weight. The 'American Idol' host stays in shape by keeping "a high tech insulated briefcase filled with the macrobiotic green drink that he swears by to keep his skinny figure," a source previously told Radar.
Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson struggled with her weight for quite a while ‹ especially after slipping into those classic Daisy Duke shorts for her role in 'Dukes of Hazzard' -- but after having two children the singer finally found a diet that works for her: Weight Watchers.
Katie Holmes

Single and ready to mingle, single-mother Katie Holmes stays thin with "intense workouts," a source told Radar. The 35-year-old has managed to sculpt her hottest body ever by "running a lot on the treadmill" and sticking to a super strict diet. "Katie is doing a mainly paleo diet," the source explained. "Katie says she always craves comfort food and carbs in the winter, but she¹s trying to stick to it."
Seth Rogan

Once a chunky actor, Seth Rogen shed the extra weight in the last few years by eating well and exercising with a personal trainer.
Tracy Anderson and Gwyneth Paltrow

Trainer to the stars Tracy AndersonŒs was slammed earlier this year for her new diet program, the Dynamic Eating Plan, which health experts are calling "extreme." The fitness guru to Kim Kardashian, Madonna, Victoria Beckham, Nicole Richie and Gwyneth Paltrow, the diet lasts up to three months, with many days allowing only 500 to 1,000 calories, even while doing a full 60 minutes of strenuous exercise.
Gunnar Peterson

Celebrity trainer Gunnar Peterson has trained the likes of Angelina Jolie, Jennifer Lopez, and Penelope Cruz, but recently revealed some celebs' diet secrets are more scandal. "I had one actress training with me four times a week in addition to daily exercise bike classes. When the Press asked how she'd 'transformed' her body, she said: 'Oh, I do yoga and hike with my dog.' It makes me laugh," he said.
Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow thinks fans should curl up with a nice mug of water ‹ with lemon if they¹re lucky. The newly single actress stays skinny with her ³starvation-type-diet² that could be seriously dangerous for anyone who follows it, nutritionists warn. Dr. Fred Pescatore says it fills you with "liquid to make you feel full, but nothing to nourish the body or soul. Š It¹s basically no food or nutrition."

We won't name names, but several female starlets also employ dangerous methods of dieting such as abusing laxatives, chain-smoking, taking both prescription and illicit drugs and guzzling caffeine.
Miranda Kerr

One diet that is certainly more of a scandal than a secret ‹ or maybe both! -- is the use of Photoshop. Last Nov. former Victoria's Secret model Miranda Kerr posted a photo of her super svelte body to Instagram, but the problem was it was a picture she'd previously posted a year earlier, and it was obviously Photoshopped to make her appear thinner.
Halle Berry

Former Bond girl Halle Berry has an age-defying body that she reportedly keeps trim by following a clean eating plan. The diet shuns processed foods, alcohol and sugar and focuses on lean protein, fresh produce and whole grains.
Victoria Beckham

Victoria Beckham has four children including a teen and a toddler, but the 39-year-old stays pencil thin by using Honestly Healthy -- a cookbook co-written by Natasha Corrett, Sienna Miller¹s stepsister. It's an alkaline-based diet that shuns acidic foods such as oats, milk, chicken and rhubarb.
Kira Dikhtyar

Most models aren¹t naturally scary skinny, but are willing to go to dangerous lengths to slim down to size zero status. From eating tissues and cotton balls to snorting cocaine, Russian poser Kira Dikhtyar admitted in 2012 that her supermodel peers have relied on ³packs of cigarettes, daily colonics, laxatives, Phentermine diet pills, Adderall, prescription drugs that suppress the appetite² to refrain from eating ‹ and those are just a few of the most outrageously extreme and devastatingly dangerous measures that models have taken to stay super skinny.

Chaz Bono

Chaz Bono, Ashley Greene, Salma Hayek and Nicole Richie's diet secret is having their food delivered to them! Bono dropped a massive amount of weight with the help of Freshology, a twice-weekly service which provides low calorie fare, Greene got in tip top shape with Sunfare¹s 30% lean protein, 40% healthy carbs and 30% ³good² fats meals, Hayek slimmed down with the help of the Cool Cleanse juice cleanse that she founded, and Richie prefers the Pressed Juicery Cleanse program of six daily juices a day along with a bottle of aloe vera water and a bottle of chlorophyll water.

The Biblical Diet? Yep ‹ singer Jewel revealed in early 2013 that she follows a holy diet. "I do the Biblical diet, which means eating whole foods like they did in the time when the Bible was being written," she said. "So grass-fed beef, but no chemicals or genetically altered foods."
Kelly Osbourne

When Kelly Osbourne dropped an astonishing 70 pounds it was largely in thanks to her cardio routine, and a secret fat-melting method. "I get in a solid half hour of cardio daily, usually intervals on the treadmill, and whatever else I feel like that day weights, yoga or pilates," she said. "I have a Hoopnotica hula hoop. I use it every day, it¹s made my bad and arms stronger, and my waist has gone down 2 inches."