‘Duck Dynasty’ Deceit: 13 Ways America’s Holiest Family Fooled Its Fans – Check Out All Of The Secrets And Lies!

July 21 2014, Published 6:51 a.m. ET
There are more lies than truths behind reality TV’s No. 1 family, the Robertsons. Click through to find out all of the ways the Duck Dynasty clan tricked America.

phil robertson duck dynasty

Calling all hypocrites! After Phil Robertson apologized for his anti-gay rants, the Duck Dynasty star blasted “homosexual offenders” in a sermon at his church.
phil robertson

Although he’s a self-described “man of God,” Phil Robertson has admitted to abusing whiskey, beer, marijuana, pills and speed during his 20s.
Phil robertson

During his 20s-boozy-binges, Phil Robertson assaulted a couple and fled the state while they were hospitalized.
si robertson phil robertson

Sadly, Si and Phil’s mother was manic-depressive and suffered a mental breakdown when they were young.
alan robertson lisa

Alan’s wife, Lisa, claims another family member sexually abused her when she was between 7 and 14-years-old. But the allegations go one step further after she claimed that six other family members were also abused.
si robertson

Despite attending college – albeit for a short time – Si once said, “college is crap!” He dropped out after partying too hard.
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Si has said that on more than one occasion, he almost killed innocent civilians to satiate his “bloodlust” while in Vietnam. To “forget where he was,” Si — a boozer already — would carry around a fifth of liquor and sip it.
missy robertson

Missy Roberton’s third pregnancy ended in a miscarriage.
si robertson scott robertson

Si claims his son, Scott, suffered brain damage and acted strangely as a child because of liver problem, but his son was later diagnosed with Asperger’s after trying to jump out of a second-story window.
Today – Season 62

More “reality” TV fakery! Duck Dynasty uses fake censor “bleeps” to make it seem like the family is cursing when they’re not!

duck dynasty

A Los Angeles production team “arranged” scenes for the “reality” TV show. Maybe we should start calling it non-reality TV.
phil robertson foot ball

Phil played football with the future NFL Hall of Famer Terry Bradshaw and Louisiana Tech, but ultimately quit so he could hunt full-time.
Miss kay phil robertson

Not the perfect marriage you thought! Miss Kay and Phil actually split for three months early on, but rekindled the flame after Phil “found God.”