Celebrity Tramp Stamps! 27 Stars With Ink (Down There) Explained!

June 4 2015, Updated 9:27 a.m. ET
Ah, the tramp stamp. A relic of a bygone era, lower back tattoos remain more common than you may think. What do Brad Pitt, Khloe Kardashian, and Julia Roberts have in common? They all have tramp stamps. Browse our extensive gallery of celebrity lower back tattoos, and perhaps store up some ideas for the next time you are ready to make a poor decision!

Amy Schumer is not shy about showing off or talking about her tramp stamp in her comedy sets!

Drew Barrymore's tattoo features angels and a cross.

Christina Ricci's looks like it was drawn by a child.

Danica Patrick loves 'Murica' -- and she lets everyone know with a patriotic tattoo!

Kelly Cuoco has an Asian character -- hope she knows what it really means!

Lady Gaga has flowers creeping up her back.

Britney Spears has a cute little tat, and she loves showing it off!

Julia Roberts got a tattoo of her children's names.

Who knows where Pamela Anderson's ends?

Jamie King's tat peeks out from her dress.

Why, Brad Pitt?

Shemar Moore has a 'freedom' tattoo.

Christina Aguilera's outfit says old hollywood, but her tat says something else.

Lower back tattoos and Juicy sweatsuits go together like peas and carrots.

Jessica Alba has a company with a billion dollar valuation. She also has a booty bow.

Christian Millian has a lion heart.

Joanna Krupa has a heart on her lower back.

Here is Nicole Richie's tattoo. What could be more holy than tattooing a cross in your anus?

The best thing about tattooing your name on your lower back like Nicky Hilton? As long as your lover knows how to read, he should never call you by the wrong name.

Angelina Jolie has a tiger on her back.

Dave Navarro has a tattoo worthy of a rockstar.

Anna Kournikova has some ink .

Lindsay Lohan has an Italian boyfriend and an Italian tattoo.

Khloe Kardashian's tramp stamp is dedicated to her daddy -- sounds awful without context.

Kate Moss can make anything look chic.

David Beckham frequently goes shirtless, showing his ink to the world.

Victoria Silvstedt has an Asian character tramp stamp. Tattoos are fun!