8 Clips That Prove Why You Should Be Watching 'Teen Mom UK'

Oct. 2 2019, Published 8:26 p.m. ET
A British spinoff of the American show, Teen Mom UK, premiered on MTV International in 2016 and was quickly a hit. Following the lives of five British teenagers who become mothers, the series is packed with crazy clips detailing the emotional ups and downs of being a pregnant teenager.
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Being a teenager is tough, being pregnant is tough, but being a pregnant teenager is the toughest. Each season of Teen Mom UK (which is titled Teen Mum when it airs in the U.S.) has had its share of juicy awkwardness that will show why you should be watching it.
1. Amber Is Sick of Ste And Kirsty “Playing Happy Family” With Her Son

Amber Butler shares a son with her ex-boyfriend Ste Rankine. Like many couples who have split, they try to make it work by sharing custody of their young boy and Rankine getting visitation. But since the end of their relationship, the young father has been dating others including his new girlfriend Kirsty. In one emotional season 4 clip, Butler accused him of “playing family” with his girlfriend and her son. Butler told her ex (about his current girlfriend), “I feel like she’s taking my child from me.”
2. Sassi Tells Her Ex That She Feels Like She Lost Her Best Friend

Sassi Simonds and her then ex-boyfriend Darren Quirk smoothed things and came together long enough to celebrate their daughter Zena’ya’s birthday party with friends and family. However, once the cake was eaten and the guests left, the former couple had a heart-to-heart that was a juicy tear-jerker. She confessed to Quirk that she loves him and that she “feels like she’s lost her best friend.”
3. Amber Is Not Able To See Her Son On Mother’s Day

One of the most gut-wrenching moments in the series was when teen mom Butler was not able to spend time with her son, Brooklyn, on Mother’s Day. Sadly, the weekend of the holiday happened to coincide with the weekend that her son’s dad, Ste Rankine, was scheduled to spend time with their son, Brooklyn. Understandably, the toll of being separated from her son on the holiday pushed her over the edge (as she will also not be seeing him for Easter), so she confronted the father of her child on making this arrangement so awkward for her.
4. Megan Has Emotional Breakdown When Ex Starts Seeing A New Girl

During Season 5 of Teen Mom UK, things between former couple Megan Salmon-Ferrari and the father of her baby, Dylan Siggers, had been intense with public and private arguments abound. However, for the good of their child, the former teen lovers were able to make it work. That came to an end on an emotional episode where Siggers revealed he was once again dating her rival, Ree-Ane who she says he slept with behind her back. “I can’t believe he’s back again with Ree-Ane.”
5. Mia & Manley’s Public Breakup

Over the course of the series, Mia Boardman and her ex-boyfriend Manley Geddes have broken up and gotten back together several times. Like other couples on the show, the teen lovers tried to make it work for their young daughter, Marliya. However, in Season 5 of the show, Boardman made a decision about their relationship status and decided to confront her baby’s father after asking him to meet her for dinner. She later said about her decision to distance herself from Geddes, “Things with Manley now are an absolute disaster. Like, disaster. He hates me. Hates me. We can’t communicate about Marliya without arguing. He won’t even answer me if I say to him, ‘Was Marliya good today?’
6. Megan Admits Dealing With Mental Health Issues

During Season 3 of Teen Mom UK, Megan Salmon-Ferrari came to terms with her depression and mental health issues following the birth of her son. She had been scared to admit how bad she felt. Luckily during this stressful time, her boyfriend Dylan Siggers was there to support her, and she scheduled a counseling session. She confessed to the camera in this clip that she “got to the point where I just wanted to crash my car into a pole.”
7. Jordan & Chloe Get Into Fight Over House Work

Most teenagers have to deal with a fight over doing dishes and housework with their roommates, but it can be extra tough when your roommate is your baby’s mama. Teen mom Chloe Patton and her boyfriend Jordan Edwards found this out the hard way as the couple had been living together with their young son, Marley. In this awkward clip, Patton comes home to find Edwards playing video games on the couch while she is left to do all the chores. She confesses, “I’m starting to feel like I want to move back in with my parents.”
8. Shannon & Charlie Face Another Pregnancy Scare

Teen parents Shannon Wise and her boyfriend had already gone through the strain of having a baby, Theodore, at an early age. However, that did not dissuade them from going off contraception, and in an episode of Season 6 of Teen Mom UK, they were again faced with taking a pregnancy test and waiting for the results. While their son was 2-years-old, they went on a romantic vacation where they believe a second baby was conceived. When Wise woke up with symptoms of morning sickness, she knew it was time to take a pregnancy test. The test turned up positive and the couple welcomed their second child in 2019.