Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh's Pro-Choice Neighbors Are Fed Up With Weekly Protests

July 20 2022, Published 2:53 p.m. ET
Every Wednesday night, protesters gather in front of the suburban home of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.
And the demonstrations are wearing on his neighbors, has learned.
Many of the neighbors believe that Roe v. Wade should never have been overturned but are still annoyed with the protest. Two months into the weekly protests, people such as Emily Strulson, 46, an artist who lives half a block from the Kavanaugh residence, are fed up.
She told The Washington Post that she and her family have taken to dining out every Wednesday night to avoid the commotion.
“The vast majority of people here are pro-choice,” revealed another neighbor, Lyric Winik. “And the very vast majority of people here think that these protesters have gotten out of control.”
“They just call us fascists,” she added when explaining the response by protesters to residents who ask for them to make less noise. “Nothing about this is healthy. We’ve got kids on this street scared to leave their homes.”
Law enforcement authorities from Montgomery County, Virginia, and the U.S. Marshals Service are closely monitoring the weekly protests. In response to noise complaints from residents, they have begun using decibel monitors to measure the volume.
According to the Post, the authorities indicated last week that they were getting close to making arrests on these grounds.

Strulson's husband emailed a Montgomery County Council member July 1, filing a formal complaint about the disruptions. “I am expressly concerned for the safety of children on our street, including my own,” he wrote. “Kids have stopped playing outside due to fear and the consistent presence of protesters.”

One of the weekly protesters, Sadie Kuhns, has a different take. “We’re there for about 30 minutes between 7 and 8 p.m. and then we leave,” she said. “It’s a minor inconvenience once a week for a matter of minutes, whereas people are inconvenienced now and threatened now, their lives are threatened for the foreseeable future.”
The Post approached 18 neighboring households in all. Three spoke on the record, four more off the record.