New York State Troopers Being Deployed To US-Canada Border, Right-Wing Media Blamed For Inciting Potential ‘Logjam’ Of ‘Freedom’ Truckers

Feb. 14 2022, Published 7:11 p.m. ET
The anti-vaccine blowhards at Fox News are allegedly using their soapbox to encourage American style ‘Freedom Convey’ like the economically crippling blockade that nearly bought Canada to its knees, media experts charge.
In fact, has learned New York State troopers are currently being deployed to the Canadian border near Niagara Falls and Montreal areas to head off any attempt by American truckers to logjam the crossings.
“Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity have been cheering it on and those are the two most watch personalities on planet earth,” a source told “They like anything that makes [President] Biden look stupid even if it's destructive to America. It’s scorched earth policy.”
“What’s crazy is that the Canadian truckers were like a fringe of a fringe, and they are getting all this international attention and now apparently they’ve inspired other people in the United States to do the same thing!”

“The troopers want to make sure that our side of the border doesn’t get clogged up.”
The two-week long Freedom Convoy demonstration in Ottawa by up to 8,000 protesters eventually led to the blockade of the economically vital Ambassador Bridge between Detroit and Windsor. The traffic trick disrupted and estimated $360 million in vital business supplies – DAILY!
The auto industry swallowed nearly $1 billion in losses because they couldn’t receive parts, according to data from a research firm obtained by Yahoo Finance.
Leading the charge for the Canadian protestors was Fox News, according to the Toronto Star who complained about the cheerleading “media personalities” south of the border pouring gasoline on the fire and encouraging the mayhem.

“The website of Fox News’ Sean Hannity blasted out a story this week with the headline “TRUCK YEAH: Canada Forms Freedom Convoy of 10K Trucks to Protest Vax Mandates, ‘Overreach is Over,’" the Jan. 28 article states.
As the Canadian’s police moved in to bust up the protest big-mouth Carlson slammed the move claiming the truckers are being treated like a “terror group.”
“This is a peaceful, political protest. No one has shown any evidence to the contrary. It's not a drug trafficking or human trafficking operation. It's not Al Qaeda,” Carlson said on Fox News' Tucker Carlson Tonight. “These are Canadian citizens who drive trucks for a living, but they're being treated like a terror group.”

As the Canadian clamped down on the protesters – American truckers and those who walk lockstep with Fox’s right-wing views were plotting a similar Freedom Convey.
Hundreds of protestors and dozens of vehicles gathered at the Peace Bridge near Buffalo, New York to support the Canadian Freedom Convoy by honking their horns and holding American flags on one banner stating: “my body, my choice” and “do not comply.”
There is also a grassroots plot for a coast-to-coast Freedom Convoy from California to Washington D.C. to voice their opposition to vaccine and mask mandates.

Jane Hall, an American University communications professor and former Fox contributor, says Fox News “is naturally going to pick this up” because it caters to their anti-vax demographic.
“The New York State Police is aware of the planned protests," a spokesperson for the New York State Trooper said in a statement. "We have been in touch with our federal and local partners, we continue monitor and are prepared to deploy whatever resources are necessary to ensure public safety.”