Cara Delevingne & Margot Robbie Seen Seconds Before Alleged Paparazzo Attack, Shutterbug Releases Photos That Led To Chase

Oct. 6 2022, Published 3:00 p.m. ET
The paparazzo accusing Cara Delevingne and Margot Robbie's pals of chasing him and causing him to break his arm has released the photos he took of the Hollywood starlets seconds before the alleged attack, has learned. Cara, 30, and Margot, 32, left a Buenos Aires restaurant on Sunday around 3 AM and were snapped with their group exiting the celebrity chef-owned establishment.
The famous friends — who appeared in Suicide Squad — are no strangers to cameras, flashes, or groups of fans and photographers in their faces. However, it wasn't just Cara and Margot dining that night.
The pair was accompanied by Margot's husband, film producer Tom Ackerley, and two other filmmakers — Josey McNamara and Jac Hopkins.

In the photos obtained by Daily Mail, Pedro Alberto Orquera caught Cara and Margot leaving the restaurant with Ackerley in tow. The orange Renault, which allegedly sped off with Cara inside it, is identified in the never-before-seen shots.
McNamara and Hopkins, who Orquera claimed chased him and caused him to fall and break his arm, were not in the photos that he released on Thursday.
At one point, the paparazzo appeared close to Margot and Ackerley. The actress' husband held onto her waist tightly while standing behind her as she spoke to an unidentified woman in red. Margot clutched her purse and shielded her eyes from the flashes.
Based on the photos, Ackerley opened the door to the vehicle for the women when it arrived. Cara was photographed getting inside and Margot's husband looked like he was ushering the actress in before all hell allegedly broke loose.

CCTV footage showed Orquera running in the street with others behind him. He fell as a car came past and broke his arm as a result. As reported, Orquera, who now has to get surgery for his injury, claimed McNamara and Hopkins got angry that he was taking photos of the women and chased him.
The photographer was taken to the hospital, and both men were questioned by Argentine police.
"My life was saved by a miracle, I don't know what would have happened if I fell head first to the ground, with the speed that those people chased after me," Orquera said after the incident.
"They never took my material from me... when I fell to the ground [the camera] was smashed but I was able to save the material."

However, sources contradict the photographer's story. Insiders told TMZ that Orquera was the aggressor and allegedly pushed the starlets as they were climbing into the Uber. The driver put his foot on the gas due to the chaos and Margot leaped out, falling to the ground.
Orquera has been accused of continuing to take photos of Margot on the ground. Sources say he tripped and caused his own injury.
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