More Baby Mama Drama: Tristan Thompson Ordered To Pay $40K A Month To Ex For Son Prince

June 19 2019, Updated 2:02 p.m. ET
Pay up, Tristan!
Thompson was not only ordered to hand over hundreds of thousands in back child support, but also additional monthly payments and other costs after his baby mama Jordan Craig demanded their 2-year-old son, Prince, should live the same lavish lifestyle as his NBA dad and half-sister, Khloe Kardashian's daughter True, can exclusively report.
As first reported, Instagram model and blogger Craig, 27, took Thompson, 28, to court and said the $15,000 per month that the pro athlete was paying her was way below the California child support guidelines.
According to May 2019 documents obtained only by, a judge ordered Thompson pay Craig $200,000 in retroactive child support that was to be paid within 10 business days of the completion of the final judgement.
The Cleveland Cavaliers baller also must pay Craig $40,000 in monthly child support on the first day of each month, which must continue until Prince reaches the age of 18, or until he graduates from high school or becomes self-supporting, emancipated, or ordered by the court.
Craig filed initially the case against Thompson in September 2016, and as previously reported, the beauty even provided an emotional testimony claiming her baby daddy only saw their son a total of nine times from the day he was born in December 2016 to November 2018.
In his own January 2019 deposition, Thompson challenged Craig's testimony and said his ex wasn't exactly accurate. However, Thompson could not provide the exact number of times he has seen his young son.
In a back-and-forth with Thompson's attorney, Peter Lauzon, earlier this year, Craig said she wanted her son to live the lifestyle he would have if Thompson participated more in her son's life. That would include meals at expensive restaurants, safari trips to foreign countries and all the amenities that Thompson's other child, True, enjoys.
"On Tristan's spreadsheets, it looks like he's frequenting Nobu and several top-rate restaurants — Craig's in Los Angeles. My child should share in the same lifestyle," Craig argued in court.
"Whatever that child is living, like I said, whatever restaurants...they take that child to or that Tristan is even just going to, my son should be doing the same thing."
"When you say 'that child,' you're referring to True?" Lauzon asked.
"Absolutely," Craig responded.
According to the child support agreement singed by both his parents, Prince probably won't have any trouble keeping up with True.
According to the final judgement, Thompson also has to make an additional monthly contribution to a savings plan for Prince in the amount of $1,250, or an annual contribution of $15,000, according to the affidavit.
Thompson also has to provide an additional $2,000 for Prince's private tutor. If the boy eventually attends a private school, the tutor payments will terminate, but Thompson will pay 100% of the tuition.
In her declaration, Craig also said she still had $15,520.58 in outstanding medical bills incurred during her pregnancy. In the final judgement, both sides agreed that Thompson would make a one-time payment of $10,000 for those costs.
As first reported, Craig said she experienced "serious pregnancy complications" after Thompson cheated on her during her pregnancy, and started a very public relationship with Kardashian, 34.
“This brought an enormous amount of negative, unwanted attention and stress into my life, and more critically, into my pregnancy,” she claimed in court papers. “My obstetrician ordered me to be on bed rest due to high levels of stress that eventually caused me to have serious pregnancy complications.”
Kardashian apologized for causing hurt after's bombshell report, but insisted she thought Thompson had ended his relationship long before they started dating.
After a two-year relationship, The reality TV star broke up with the father of her 1-year-old daughter in February following a second round of cheating accusations.