The Truth At Last! Bruce: 'I Am A Woman' — WATCH His Tearful Confession

June 26 2015, Updated 8:22 p.m. ET
After 65 years living a lie, Bruce Jenner finally revealed his true identity in his interview with Diane Sawyer tonight. In the first few moments of the interview, he got straight to the point, telling the 20/20 journalist: “I am a woman."
"I’ve always been very confused about my sexual identity since I was this big,” Jenner said, explaining, “God’s looking down making little Bruce ok? He’s looking down and he says, ‘Ok what are we gonna do with this one? Make him a smart kid, very determined.' He gave me all these wonderful qualities then at the end he’s just finishing, he said, 'We gotta give him something! Everybody in their life has something they have to deal with … Let’s give him the soul of a female and see how he uses it.'"
Describing himself as a “girl stuck in a guy’s body,” he said he struggled with finding the words to explain it. "I’m me. I’m a person and this is who I am. I’m not stuck in anybody’s body. It’s just who I am … My brain is much more female than it is male. That’s what my soul is."
"Are you a woman?” Sawyer asked.
Jenner replied, "Yes for all intents and purposes, I am a woman."
"My heart and my soul and everything I do in life it is part of me. That female side is part of me, it’s who I am,” he said. "I was not genetically born that way … As of now I have all the male parts and all that kind of stuff. In a lot of ways we’re different but we still identify as female.”
Jenner, 65, refused to reveal his new female name, but simply referred to himself as “her.”
“Bruce lives a lie,” he said. “She is not a lie. I can’t do it any more."
Story developing.
WATCH the first clips from the video here: