Spanish Forks Police Claim Hearing 'Woman's Voice' Calling From Car Where They Rescued Baby Daughter
March 10 2015, Updated 1:42 p.m. ET
Did Lynn Groesback save her child from beyond the grave? When Spanish Forks police discovered the mother's 18-month old daughter alive in the backseat after the their fatal car crash, the officers claim to have heard a woman softly calling them for help.
25-year-old Groesbeck had passed away when she lost control of her car and veered off into the Spanish Forks river.
It wasn't until the following morning that officers discovered and rescued her daughter, Lily, still alive in the backseat of the red Dodge sedan.
Mysteriously, three of the officers claim they heard a "woman's voice" calling softly from the car when they arrived, which is seemingly impossible considering Lynn had been deceased for quite some time.
"For two nights I've laid awake trying to figure out exactly what it could be. All I know is it was there, we all heard it," Spanish Fork Police Officer Tyler Beddoes said. "It was extra motivation."
Luckily, they were able to save the little girl. Lily is in stable condition and improving, according to hospital officials.
"Her improvement is astounding," Lily's family shared on CNN. "Right now she's watching Dora and singing 'The Wheels on the Bus' with Grandpa. She is smiling and laughing for family members. We're blown away by Lily's progress and so grateful to her rescuers."
Nobody knows exactly how the infant survived hanging upside down for nearly 14 hours in her car seat, but they're grateful to have found her.
As for the voice, Beddoes said he and the three officers concurred they all heard the same thing. Though they have no explanation for the incident, they have no doubt they heard a woman's voice.